October 30, 1996

Dear President Wefald,

As faculty advisors of KSU’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Society (BGLS), we would like to make you aware of a recent incident of gay bashing on our campus.

Jennifer Bame, a senior and BGLS member, wrote an editorial for the Collegian on October 11, 1996, in honor of National Coming Out Day for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. Her editorial was well-written and her tone was not angry or political; she merely shared her experiences as a lesbian at KSU. In response to her letter, two KSU-Salina students wrote very threatening email messages to Jennifer. One student even wrote two hate letters. (We have included their email in this letter.) One of the students wrote in his letter: "Its only a matter of time before we start taking you out as you come out. Enjoy your fucking carpet ride while it lasts"

The three letters to Jennifer were extremely threatening and hateful. The two KSU-Salina students have violated the KSU Student Conduct Code, and disciplinary action should be brought against them. They are also in violation of KSU’s non-discrimination policy, which includes sexual orientation. We hope that a disciplinary report is recorded in their student files. With the counsel of Susan Allen (Women’s Center), Dianne Urban, and Susan Scott, Jennifer has filed reports with the SGA Attorney General and with the Riley County Police Department. We are happy that she has received help and encouragement from these people, as well as from Harvard Townsend (CNS) and KSU-Salina.

Many people have been helpful at KSU; for this we are extremely grateful. But the action currently taking place is not enough for gay, lesbian, and bisexual students, faculty, and staff who will be "bashed" and threatened in the future. Jennifer Bame is a bright and self-confident young woman who knew the severity of the crime committed against her by these two students and therefore took action. She had a sense for where to go for help. But many of our gay, lesbian, and bisexual students, faculty, and staff will not know where to go, for no obvious place exists at KSU.

In October 1994, the "Report of the Task Force to Study the Concerns of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Students, Staff, and Faculty" was completed. The Task Force was established in 1991 by Provost James Coffman and Vice-President Robert Krause. The Report noted that, among other things, 96% of gay, lesbian, and bisexual students have heard anti-gay comments made on this campus. 70% of these students said they never reported hate incidents because of fear of exposure or lack of anticipated confidentiality. Many did not know where to go for help.

Hate is still very real on the KSU campus with respect to our gay, lesbian, and bisexual students, faculty, and staff. In a meeting with campus pastors last year, Reverend Denise Leopold of the MCC Church here in Manhattan reported to you that gay-bashing exists at KSU. We are concerned and frustrated that nothing has been done with respect to this. We are also disappointed that none of the wonderful recommendations put forth by the Task Force Report has ever been implemented, particularly the one which suggests that an office for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals be established. To our knowledge, perhaps only a handful of the 20,000+ people on the KSU campus know that the Task Force ever existed.

Students are being threatened, staff are not being promoted, and faculty are being forced into secret lives, all because hatred towards gays, lesbians, and bisexuals still exists at KSU. The letters of the two KSU-Salina students, although extreme, represent the atmosphere that our minority must endure. No one should have to be afraid on our campus.

President Wefald, we are very concerned about this matter and we ask that you look into it. We ask also that you look into the Task Force Report and begin a necessary dialogue with KSU leaders and with us, so that we may create a safer environment for our gays, lesbians, and bisexuals at KSU. As faculty advisors, we do as much as we can for our students and colleagues; even we are painfully aware of the risks we bring to our jobs for being too vocal. Nevertheless, we are more than willing to assist you in any way possible in order to make KSU a university which truly upholds its non-discrimination policy. Thank you very much for your time.

Very Sincerely Yours,

Deb Taylor, Division of Continuing Education
Bob Clark, Department of Modern Languages
Advisors for KSU’s Bisexual, Gay, and Lesbian Society

Enclosed: Three letters

CC: Provost James Coffman
Vice-President Bob Krause
Dean Pat Bosco
Associate Dean Susan Scott
Assistant Provost Mordean Taylor-Archer

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