



The Triangle newsletter 

FHA Home

Midwest  General 
Manhattan, KS 
- Chamber of Commerce 
- Local KS Supermalls 
- Regional AIDS Project 
- Kansas Rainbow Listserv (KR-L) 
- Kansas State University 
- KSU Queer Straight Alliance (QSA) 
- eCollegian (university newspaper) 
- KSU Lutheran Campus Ministry:

- Government  
- Lambda Midwest! 

Freedom Coalition of Lawrence, Kansas

Topeka's Gay Information Center  


Famous and Not-So-Famous Queers 
The Queer Resources Directory (could not access on 3/18/02)
A Bibliography of Gender and Sexuality Studies in Latin America
Coming Out Stories
Unity Through Diversity

QV Magazine (Gay Latino Mag)

The Triangle
Flint Hills Observer (archives)
Liberty Press 
The Advocate 
PlanetOut: Land On It. 
Blacklight Online (A Black Gay Publication)
The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review
The Gayellow Pages


National  Hate Sites 
GLAAD  Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (could not access on 3/18/02)
GLSEN  Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network
HRC  Human Rights Campaign
NAMES  The NAMES Project: AIDS Quilt Memorial (could not access on 3/18/02)
NGLTF National Gay and Lesbian Task Force 
PFLAG Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays 
National Stonewall Democrats

God Hates Fags 




--links last checked for accuracy:
    March 18, 2002