Spring 2000
The Triangle newsletter
FHA Home
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"It's Elementary"
Thursday, January 6 7:30 pm
"It's Elementary" is an excellent
film exploring the positive affects of having age appropriate discussions of gay issues in
the classroom as a part of a curriculum which values diversity. Please feel free to invite
your friends, families, teachers, students, etc. This is an excellent film!
Dr. Robert Shoop, Educational
Administration, KSU
Thursday, February 3 8:00 pm (business meeting is at 7:30 pm)
Dr. Bob Shoop will talk with our
group about how sexual orientation is or is not covered under sexual harassment laws. Dr.
Shoop is a leading national expert on sexual harassment. He has testified in numerous
trials concerning this very issue. Please join us!
Officer nominations for the
2000-2001 term will be held at 7:30 pm
Lori Rogge, American Express
Financial Advisor
Thursday, March 2 8:00 pm (business meeting is at 7:30 pm)
Lori Rogge, American Express Financial Advisor, will join us to
discuss strategies for getting out of
debt, planning for retirement and reaching financial goals. American Express is excited
about working with the gay and lesbian community, including couples and families. Please
join FHA for a night of great financial possibilities.
Officer elections for the 2000-2001
term will be held at 7:30 pm
FHA Art Day
Thursday, April 6 8:00 pm (business meeting is at 7:30 pm)
Bring your favorite short story, poem, short monologue, song,
instrumental, painting, picture, photograph or sculpture. Art work can be original or
artwork you especially admire. If your performance, reading or visual art presentation
will exceed 10 minutes, please let us know ahead of time by calling (785) 776-3612 or via
email at fha.kansas@usa.net.
Detective Connie Miller, Riley County Police
Department, Manhattan
Thursday, May 4 8:00 pm (business meeting is at 7:30 pm)
Detective Miller from RCPD will join us to share important
information concerning personal safety, driving safety, home safety and harassment.
Contact FHA for meeting locations.