The Flint Hills Observer
February 1997
BGLS Notes
by Jennifer Bame, BGLS Secretary
BGLS is currently working to create a listerv discussion group for the KSU-Manhattan area. Interested in getting on board with this great new listserv? Contact for details.
At the January 26th meeting, BGLS agreed to sign a "statement of inclusion" created by an Ad-hoc National Coalition of Bisexual and Transgender activists. Parts of the statement reads "We the undersigned local, regional, and national leaders advocate the visible inclusion of Bisexual and Transgender people. In doing this, we recognize their valuable participation in the political process...We support the inclusion of Transgender and Bisexual issues in all aspects of local, state, and national agendas that address the civil rights of Gay and Lesbian people."
Business meetings for BGLS for the Spring 1997 semester will be on Sundays at 6pm in the K-State Union, Room 206, on Feb 9 and 23, Mar 2 and 16, Apr 6 and 20, and May 4.
Guy C., BGLS Social Chair, has two socials planned so far this semester. The first will be a Valentine's Day potluck held on Sat Feb 15 at Shawn's house. Time TBA. Then, later in March, BGLS will have a St. Patty's Day Party. Keep your eyes posted for details. Hope to see you all there!!
Tuesday February 18, Elvira Kurt, lesbian comedian, will perform at Union Station (located in KSU's Student Union) at 8 pm. Admission is FREE!! Everyone is invited!! This event is co-sponsored by UPC and BGLS.
Raffle tickets are on sale now!! $1 each. Prizes are $50, $25, and $15 gift coins to Streetside Records. If you are interested in buying Raffle tickets--even just one--please email me ( I will personally make arrangements to meet with you, so that you will not miss out on the wonderful opportunity to help support our hard working student lesbigay organization. Also, tickets may be purchased at any BGLS sponsored meeting or event. Drawing for prizes will be Tuesday, February 18, just before Elvira Kurt's comedian performance!!
If you have any questions or comments concerning K-State's Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Society or would like any additional information about any of the above, please contact us by email at or Andy Naylor, BGLS President, at