The Flint Hills Observer
April 1997

Personal Stories Will Be Used To Fight for ENDA Passage

WASHINGTON -- In an effort to shed light on the issue of job discrimination, the Human Rights Campaign is looking for people who have been denied job opportunities, fired or otherwise discriminated against in the workplace because of their sexual orientation.

HRC plans to present these stories to members of Congress, the media and the public in hopes of increasing awareness, gaining new co-sponsors and ultimately passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. ENDA would outlaw job discrimination based on sexual orientation.

"Most Americans are shocked when they find out people can lose their jobs because of their sexual orientation -- even their perceived orientation," said Kevin Layton, HRC's legislative counsel. "We need to put a human face on the job discrimination gay men and lesbians face because we have no federal protection."

The Human Rights Campaign has issued similar calls for such personal stories, with good results. Some of those people told their stories when a House Small Business subcommittee held a hearing on ENDA in 1996; others testified when the Senate Labor Committee held the first public hearing on ENDA on July 29, 1994. And on Sept. 10, 1996, ENDA came within one vote of passing the Senate--the first time either chamber of Congress voted on a bill to extend civil rights protections to lesbian and gay Americans. President Clinton endorsed ENDA in October 1995 and has pledged his continued support for the bill.

People who want their stories included in the project can contact HRC by calling (202) 628-4160, extension 4000. They can also obtain a form to fill out by accessing HRC's World Wide Web site at and following the directions. Or, they can write to: The Human Rights Campaign, Documenting Discrimination Project, 1101 14th St., N.W., Suite 200, Washington DC 20005. People should include day and evening phone numbers and an e-mail address if they have one.

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