The Flint Hills Observer
August 1998

She Speaks
by Deb Taylor

Ed. Note. The editor uses the term “queer” to include lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgendered persons.  Its usage is not intended to be derogatory.

If case you have not kept up with the latest shenanigans of the Radical Religious Right (RRR), let me fill you in (I hope you haven’t just eaten). Please accept the following clip-and-save highlights as evidence of just how far extremists will go to advance their mean-spirited agendas:

And finally, here’s what I like to call The Icing on the Cake: In response to this craziness, columnist Ellen Goodman recently asked: “If 1994 was the Year of the Angry White Male, is 1998 being cast as the Year of the Angry Heterosexual?”

I see this as the Year of Talking Without Thinking. And the RRR has taken this idea to new levels of unbelievability.  Make no mistake: the anti-gay campaign brought forth by the RRR to the Republican party is going to get much worse before it gets better, because it has become heavily infiltrated with these religious conservative extremists.

Does this mean we hide in our closets for the next few years?  No, although the thought is tempting (does anyone have land in Colorado?).  I feel we need to use this time to give ourselves a reality check—a self-awareness check.  The RRR seeks to tear us down.  If we are insecure about our sexual identity, then the RRR won’t have to do much or say much to knock us down some more.  If we are ashamed of being queer, then our enemies don’t have to expend much of their energy to destroy us.

Additionally, we really need to build a strong community of queers and queer-supporters here in Manhattan and at K-State.  We must network as well with our friends in Lawrence, Topeka, Wichita, and other Kansas towns.

The rhetoric of the RRR is mean and wrong and irrational.  These people remind me of how some kids fight.  When one is clearly losing the argument, he switches to personal digs.  The RRR is filled with scared and angry conservatives who feel threatened. We are witnessing their desperate attempts to not let their argument—their narrow view of the world—fall apart.

We need to stand up to them before too many more people begin to take them seriously.  Please join the Flint Hills Alliance as we work to build our community.


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