The Flint Hills Observer
August 1998

K-NASW Diversity ’98 Conference Features Chastity Bono
Special to the Observer

The Kansas Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers is launching a new program initiative entitled “Diversity.”  According to Brenda Hanger, Diversity ’98 Conference Chair, the initiative “will involve one-day conferences whose purpose is to educatre, inform, and enhance social work skills in working with oppressed, underserved and/or vulnerable populations.”  This year’s diversity topic will focus on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered issues (GLBT). Diversity ’98 will be held at the Topeka Holiday Inn/Holidome on September 25, 1998, 8:00 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.

Chastity Bono is the keynote luncheon speaker; she is the Director of Media Relations for the Los Angeles-based Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).  Bono will speak about coming out in her family, the dynamics of that process, and the do’s and don’ts for family members and professionals.  Time will be allowed for questions and answers and Bono will be available throughout the conference for networking.


The cost is:
NASW Member - $60 in advance or $75 on site
Non-Member - $85 in advance or $100 on site
Student NASW Member - $45 in advance or $60 on site

Call 785-354-4804 for more information.


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