The Flint Hills Observer
November 1996

BGLS Notes
by Jennifer Bame, BGLS Secretary

Aaron Otto, KSU's SGA Vice President, met with BGLS at our October 27th meeting. He discussed his concerns regarding campus safety and teacher evaluations. Aaron also invited BGLS officers to SGA's Feedback Friday to discuss the possibility of adding a lesbigay representative to the SGA's President's Cabinet. BGLS officers are currently looking into this possibility.

BGLS will have a home page on the World Wide Web in a matter of days. Much thanks to David C. who put much effort and hard work into this project. Keep your eyes posted and your computer mouse alert for this wonderful new development.

BGLS Speaker Panels are under way!! We have already completed the first round of Speaker Panels and have received rave reviews. Anyone interested in participating on a Speaker Panel or wishing to request a panel, please contact Michael T, Speaker Panel Coordinator, at BGLS. (HINT: We are finding a shortage of lesbian and bisexual women panelists. Of course, more male panelists are always welcome.)

Currently, Guy C, Social Chair, is working on putting together a Social for November. Information on this will be out soon. BGLS is hoping to increase the number of Socials to two Socials per month.

Greg C., Coming Out Week '97 Chair, is looking for volunteers to be on this Committee. Anyone interested in working on Coming Out Week Events for October 1997, may contact him through BGLS.

Future meetings for BGLS are Sunday November 24th and Sunday December 15th at 6pm in the Union Room 206. Looking forward to seeing you there!!

If you wish to be placed on the BGLS contact information lists (either telephone, email, or both), or if you have any general questions concerning our organization and our events, please contact us at

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