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Thursday, October 18, 2001
Hey Guys and Gals,
FHA has asked me to discontinue publishing The Triangle starting with the October 2001 issue for an undetermined
amount of time (basically, until FHA members are able or want to start reading and contributing articles). I'm kind of
sad about it. But I believe good leadership is representative leadership, so if the members of FHA do not want a
newsletter at this time, as a public servant I will surely follow suit. However, if y'all ever want to start it up again, I'm
happy to help out with the web version. You know how to reach me. Please enjoy our last issue....
-Jen Bame
General Information
The Triangle is a Flint Hills Alliance online newsletter serving the LGBT community of Manhattan, Kansas. Our newsletter
is published in February, April, June, August, October and December. If you would like to view a schedule of events,
please go to http://calendar.yahoo.com/qsa_ksu.
To begin reading the The Triangle, please click here.
Submissions and Content
The Triangle has a policy of open submissions and hopes that all members
of the Manhattan LGBT community will share their unique and valuable voices
in our publication. When reading The Triangle, please keep in mind that
all articles herein are the opinions of the author and should not be assumed
to be the official standing of the Flint Hills Alliance. If you would like
to submit an article, please contact us via postal mail or email. Submission
deadlines are the 20th of January, March, May, July, September, and November.
As the Flint Hills Alliance is a non-profit organization with membership
dues of only $10 a year. Please consider donating some time and/or money
to help us better serve our community. Donations go to help fund our annual
picnics, dances, reserving meeting space, PO Box, copies of schedule of
events, etc. If you are unable to donate money, please contact FHA
to donate your time. FHA is always in need of people to volunteer their
Number of visits since Thursday, September 28, 2000:
Please e-mail us at fha_thetriangle@yahoo.com with your comments and suggestions.
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