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August 2000 Issue
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The gay, lesbian and bisexual vote is becoming a growing force in the American political scene. In 1996 a Voter News Service exit poll showed that lesbian gay and bisexuals represent five percent of all voters. With many pertinent issues such as gay marriages, health care issues, being allowed into the military, and our lives being decided by those people we elect to public office, it is ever more important that gay and lesbian voters educate themselves on the viewpoints of the candidates. The next president of the United States will have the ability to nominate up to four Supreme Court justices. That makes your vote particularly important.
The 2000 presidential candidates have made their stance on issues for gay and lesbian voters particularly clear. Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore is committed to working for the equal rights of gay and lesbian Americans. In the U.S. Newswire February 2, 2000, Al Gore is quoted as saying "The time has come to widen the circle of fairness and dignity to include our brothers, sisters, friends, and neighbors in the gay and lesbian community. If you entrust me with the presidency, I will fight for the basic fairness and opportunity you deserve for America to be strong enough not in spite of our diversity, but because of it." Al Gore has said that he believes it to be "profoundly wrong" that it is currently 100% legal to fire a hard-working employee in the United States for being gay or lesbian. Gore has pledged if elected president to help pass and to sign ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Gore supports the Hate Crimes Prevention Act (HCPA). He has also promised to commit millions if elected to fight the AIDS epidemic. Concerning military service, Al Gore believes "Gays and lesbians should be allowed to serve their country without discrimination (Associated Press 12-13-99).
Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush has taken a stance against the advancement of civil rights for gays and lesbians. Bush refuses to support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. As governor of Texas, Bush refused to adopt a state administration non-discrimination policy that included sexual orientation. George Bush during his 5 years as Texas governor did nothing to acknowledge the AIDS epidemic as a social and health issue in his state, in spite of the state's fourth highest rating in the number of AIDS cases in the country. Just fewer than 20,000 people have contracted AIDS and 10,000 people have died of AIDS in Texas while he was governor. George W. Bush opposes gay and lesbian Americans to serve openly in the military. Bush also has stated that he would not appoint anyone as a Joint Chief of Staff who openly advocated allowing gays and lesbians in the armed forces.
THE GOOD: June 2000 Coca-Cola Co., and the big three U.S. Auto companies offer same-sex partner benefits.
THE BAD: On June 28, 2000 the United States Supreme Court voted 5-4 that the Boy Scouts of America had the right to ban homosexuals from serving as troupe leaders. Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist wrote for the court "The Boy Scouts asserts that homosexual conduct is inconsistent with the values it seeks to instill." Requiring them to accept a gay scoutmaster "would significantly burden the organization to oppose or disfavor homosexual conduct." William H. Rehnquist's opinion was joined by Justices Sandra Day O'Connor, Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy, and Clarence Thomas. Dissenting Justices were John Paul Stevens, David H. Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Stephen G. Breyer.
THE UGLY: At its annual convention in Long Beach, California, on June 27, 2000 the Presbyterian Church policy committee voted 25-22 to keep it's ministers from performing same-sex unions.
Letter from Angela C. Flint Hills Alliance Co-President
Hello everyone! I have been co-president of Flint Hills Alliance for 3 months and the time has gone by so incredibly fast! We have had a wonderful picnic at Tuttle Creek, warm Coffee Talks and a dynamite women's minifestival. FHA future events future are The Big Pool Party (July 21st), more coffee talks, potlucks, and the Scavenger Hunt (Details of the Scavenger Hunt will be in the next newsletter).
At the picnic we had around 30 men and women show up for fun, games, and the BBQ. We ate until we were popping full and then played badminton, volleyball and (my favorite) kickball! The day was just perfect with sunshine and a nice breeze.
The coffee talks are becoming so enjoyable that most women look forward to Fridays. I know I do! The topics that are discussed can make the hour sail by. If you haven't joined us, please do. :)
The women's minifest was a success! We had 3 groups of women who performed their talent. Everyone had a great time even though the evening air was a bit chilly. We videotaped the festivities and especially the talented talent. We will view the tape soon so come to coffee talk for details.
Somewhat last, I want to welcome new and renewed members. As co-president, I feel that it is imperative that we continue to offer the community an organization that gay, lesbian, bisexuals and transgendered can socialize with friends, call home and feel safe in. Finally, I want to personally thank everyone who donates their valuable time and money for the past, present and future of Flint Hills Alliance. If anyone wants to contact me, please feel free to do so.
FHA co-president, Angela C. (angelica15@excite.com).
My Opinion on the Upcoming Presidential Election
By Jerry Marcoe
Vice President Al Gore has been a tireless advocate for the passage of the Hate Crimes Prevention act, Calling on "Congress to come together against intolerance, against prejudice, and against violent and senseless bigotry and pass the Hate Crimes Prevention Act." His opponent George Bush, as Governor in Texas, vetoed a hate crime law saying that The laws were "enough there to take care of such acts of violence." I feel that such things as dragging a black man to death from a pickup (Texas) or beating a young gay man to unconsciousness and hanging him on a fence to die (Wyoming ), shows that there is very much a need for a law to increase the punishment for such crimes. This type of law would make our voices louder when speaking out about hate crimes. Whether you have been a victim of such a crime or not we need to have protection by such laws. I have been a victim of such a crime & there weren't any laws to help. They went on to do the same crime over again and still got away it, as we, as Gay people, asked for it. I guess since we are gay we aren't to walk down a street, as that is all I was doing, and the others were just leaving a gay bar. Lets really think about how this type of a law could benefit us in the future. Please register & vote, as we, as a block of voters, can make a difference.
Manhattan Lesbigay Resource Guide
by Jennifer Bame (jensfog@hotmail.com)
In recent years, I have seen many new faces to our wonderful little GLBT community. So many of them are anxiously trying to figure out what local services and business are welcoming of us. I have outline a few that I know about below and listed contact information for groups that are not listed in the telephone book:
Flint Hills Alliance, commonly
known as FHA (fha.kansas@usa.net). FHA is a group of people committed
to fulfilling the educational and social needs of the GLBT community in
and around Manhattan, Kansas. FHA plans wonderful potluck dinners
on the 3rd Thursday every month Sept-May. During the summer months, FHA
plans a variety of different social activities, such as picnics, BBQs,
Pool Parties and Konza walks. FHA
also sponsors Coffee Talk for Women two Fridays each and Just for Men Socials
about once a month. And of course, you already know about FHA's newsletter,
KSU's Queer Straight Alliance, often called QSA (qsa@ksu.edu or via the Women's Center at 532-6444) coordinates speaker's panels for a variety of groups as a means of educating the Manhattan Area about lesbigaytrans life. QSA is also very active in bringing speakers to campus. Last year they cosponsored events which brought Congressman Barney Frank and Rev. Mel White to the KSUcampus. Also, QSA sponsors Icebreakers, a support and discussion group for persons coming to terms with lesbigaytrans issues. It is important to note that volunteers, not professional therapists, facilitate Icebreakers.
There are a number of spiritual paths in Manhattan that are embracing
of our community. Along the Christian spirituality path: Pastor Jayne,
from Lutheran Campus Ministry,
has worked very closely-with QSA in a number of diversity dialogues. First
Congregational Church, announced in a recent newsletter the hiring
their new male pastor who recently moved to Manhattan with his life-partner.
The Tall Grass Zen Center (hauckc@ksu.edu) is a very friendly group that
meets for Zen practice Tuesdays & Fridays mornings (6am) and Wednesday
evenings at 7pm. Also, there are a number of folks from our GLBT community
who attend Unitarian-Universalist
regularly. There are also a few people in our community who attend a JewishTemple,
however, I was unable to acquire details prior to publishing. If you are
interested in the Jewish faith, please contact me and I will put you in
touch with individuals who attend the temple regularly.
Although there are no solely gay hang-outs that I'm aware of, there
are a few businesses that tend to be safe places to meet with friends.
However, I would encourage the use of caution, as Manhattan is a transient
city, it seems the atmosphere of some locations change with the seasons.
In any case, many folks in our community have told me that they hanging-out
at Espresso Royale, Java Espresso and Bakery, Rock-A-Belly Deli, and Auntie
Some business which have either carried Lesbigay merchandise, cosponsored
or made donations to help local Lesbigay causes are: On the Wild Side,
Records, KSU Student Union
Bookstore, Hastings, The Dusty
Bookshelf, Claflin Books and Copies,
Kinko's and Mom's Boys Handyman
Services by Pride Properties LLC.
If you are affiliated with KSU and you can purchase a pass for yourself
to the KSU Recreation Complex,
you also may also acquire a pass for your same-sex spouse. One day last
Fall, Christina Hauck, the advisor to KSU's QSA, simply walked up to the
Rec Office and acquired a pass for her spouse. If you decide to do this,
you may want to double-check the sex indicated on your spouse's card, as
apparently the computer prints opposite-sex spousal cards as default, but
this can be manually overridden.
If you are difficulty coping with life's ups and downs, there are a number of mental health services in town that are welcoming of individuals who are gay, bisexual, or transgendered. Some of these services are Brenda Hanger LCSW, Pathways Psychological Services, and KSU's University Counseling Services.
Do you need a little extra help caring for an aging or ill parent, partner or loved one? Over the Rainbow Hometown Homecare many services to individuals in their homes: housekeeping, errands, transportation, meal preparations, pet care, overnights, laundry many other services. Over the Rainbow Hometown Homecare recognizes and honors GLBT families. This lesbian-owned Homecare business is proud of its nondiscrimination policies that are inclusive of sexual orientation for employees, as well as, clients.
Wanting help creating a financial plan for you and/or your partner's
retirement, your children's education, or simply for a down payment on
a home or car? American Express Financial Advisors is eager to help gay
and lesbian families achieve their financial goals. Lori Rogge, a
Financial Planner for American Express Financial Advisors, met with many
FHA members last Spring and is looking forward to working with our community
in the future.
If there are any business, organizations or services that I have
not mentioned that are welcoming of the lesbigaytrans community, please
let us know about them.
Letter from the Editor: Xena Speaks
by P.Cullers. (deadletterfile@hotmail.com)
Hey there Mr. and Ms. gay person. The past eight years under President Clinton have surely been a roller coaster ride of love and fun for him and a burgeoning of rights for all of us queer folks hasn't it? Remember how eight years ago when under Grandpappy George Bush we didn't have the right to serve in the military? Didn't have same sex benefits even at the KSU level, let alone if we are a Coca Cola employee or a U. S. auto worker. And no one had even HEARD of gay marriage, let alone had known anyone in their lives who had tried it.
Here we are in the year 2000 with a presidential election, where on one hand we have a stiff boring democratic candidate who is pro-gay and who has so little personality that we know he is just going to continue with the policies of President Clinton and be a good boy and appoint four supreme court justices who will uphold gay rights.
And on the other hand, there is the Grandpappy Bush offspring Baby Bush who is essentially a clone of his daddy that we voted out of office eight years ago. We know that Baby Bush is going to do his best to boot gays out of the military, and no doubt take away every right your cronnie grandma and grandpa gay folks have fought to preserve for their little baby queers. I am not going to tell you who to vote for, but if you are queer and vote for Baby Bush you are crazy. Your vote will count. Neither candidate is really the ideal queer candidate, but you ought to at least pick the lesser of the two evils. Boring is better than stepping backwards to a life we were living eight years ago. There are a whole bunch of other queer friendly folks that will vote with you to elect a president who will suffice enough to look out for some of our rights.
Fall 2000 Flint
Hills Alliance Events
(For location information about events listed below, write to fha.kansas@usa.net.)
August 11 & 25 8:00 p.m. Coffee Talk for Women
September 7- 5:30 p.m. business meeting
September 8 & 22 8:00 p.m. Coffee Talk for Women at Java
September 9-12noon Picnic
October 5- 5:30 p.m. Business meeting
October 13 & 27- 8:00 p.m. Coffee Talk for Women
October 20- 7:00 p.m. Potluck at Jen & Carol's
October 28- Halloween Party with Regional AIDS Project, Time &
Location TBA
November 10- 8:00 p.m. Coffee Talk for Women
November 17- 7:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Potluck
Please email us at fha.thetriangle@usa.net with your comments
and suggestions.
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