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August 2001 Issue

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Letter from the FHA President

Hi FHA Members!

It has been a real scorcher here in the heartland with 100F+ and I am not looking forward to battling the heat BUT  we are going to have a very cool and fun FHA SWIM PARTY at Manhattan City Park on July 27, 2001 from 9PM to 10:30P   Please come join us to cool off. Here are the upcoming activities for August and September 2001

August 25, 2001 Welcome Back FHA Picnic
It will not be at Tuttle Creek this year but will be at Sheryl's and my house.  We will have fun and games and we will grill.  FHA will supply food and drink. If you want to contribute a side dish, that would be wonderful.  Please BYOB of alcohol.  It will begin at noon and go until?  Please contact me at 587-0786 if you need directions or have questions.

Wings night on Wednesdays continue for the Women.
If you want to join us, please contact me.  We may return to Coffee Talk on Fridays when the summer is over.  I will let everyone know:)

On September 21, 2001 at 6PM, FHA Potluck at Victor's home

In October we are tentatively planning a Halloween Party at the Douglas Center to include QSA, RAP and our newest community group GSA (Manhattan High School).  More details later.

I hope to see you soon and stay cool!

Ciao,  Angela, FHA pres
fhakansas@yahoo.com   or   Angelica115@excite.com


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Texas: Teacher sues over censorship of gay image
Iowa: Court upholds unsafe-sex conviction
Texas:  Teen says he killed friend out of self-hate
Texas: ACLU fights ruling limiting gays right to sue
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Texas: Teacher sues over censorship of gay image
by Barbara Dozetos from PlanetOut.com, Tuesday, July 10, 2001 / 02:51 PM

An art and journalism teacher in Texas is suing the administration of the charter school that fired him last fall after he defended student artwork depicting a same-sex kiss.

Grady Roper was fired from the Katherine Anne Porter School in Wimberly after he threatened to go to the media about what he said was censorship of a student-painted mural in the school.

The 30-by-10 foot painting in the school's main hallway contained a 2-by-2 foot section showing two men kissing. After some parents and school board members objected to that section of the mural, students and faculty found the entire work had been painted over on a weekend. The faculty unanimously supported leaving the painting as it was.

"They didn't talk to parents or teachers. They just decided to do it on their own," Roper told the Dallas Morning News.

"The mural was inadequately planned and supervised. It contained satanic symbols and violent images," Yana Bland, an administrator at the school, said in a written statement. "On these grounds, I decided it was inappropriate for a public high school."

Roper told the Morning News, "They backed themselves into a corner, so they came up with the excuse that they saw Satan in one of the images." Roper insists the kiss was actually the problem.

"I decided the public needed to know what was happening, and I told Dr. Bland that she and the school board needed to be held accountable for their actions. I said I was going to the press," Roper said. Soon after that declaration, he said he was told to turn in his keys and grade book and was fired.

The Texas Civil Rights Project is representing Roper in his suit against the school's administration, claiming violation of First Amendment freedom of speech protections. He seeks reinstatement to his job, lost wages, attorney fees and a court order to prohibit the school from violating First Amendment rights.

"I want to make sure something like this never happens again," Roper said. "I hope we can set a precedent for all schools in Texas. We cannot allow school administrators to trample on the spirit of young artists."

Iowa: Court upholds unsafe-sex conviction*
by Randy Dotinga from PlanetOut.com, Tuesday, July 10, 2001 / 02:49 PM

Have unsafe sex, go to prison. That's a remote possibility for people living with HIV in more than 20 states, and a recent court decision means that Iowa will remain one of them.

In a ruling released last week, the Iowa Supreme Court rejected arguments challenging the constitutionality of a state law that bans knowingly exposing someone to AIDS.

"What they're really doing in Iowa and a lot of other states is [criminalizing] sexual activity by people with HIV," said attorney Catherine Hanssens, director of Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund's AIDS Project.

The case in question involved an Iowa man named Justin Keene who had unprotected consensual sex in 1998 with a mentally ill fast-food worker. He did not disclose that he was HIV positive, and he was charged with knowingly exposing her to the virus.

Keene was sentenced to 25 years in prison, but the sentence was suspended and reduced to probation.

In his appeal, Keene's attorneys argued that the Iowa law was vague because it makes a crime out of engaging in activities that "could" spread HIV.

But the court said there's no question about how AIDS is spread: "Any reasonably intelligent person is aware it is possible to transmit HIV during sexual intercourse, especially when it is unprotected."

The court also said it didn't matter that there was a dispute over whether intercourse actually occurred.

States have a variety of laws about the transmission of AIDS, according to a June 2000 survey by Lambda Legal Defense.

In California, for example, knowingly exposing another person to AIDS is a crime, but only if the victim is unaware of the exposure and the act is committed with "specific intent." Also, criminals may receive harsher penalties if they commit illegal sex acts while they know they are HIV positive.

In Colorado, it's illegal for HIV-positive people to patronize prostitutes if they know they have the virus.

In Illinois, it's a crime for an HIV-positive person who knows about the infection to have sex with another, unless the second person is aware of all risks and agrees to face them.

And in Alabama, it's a misdemeanor to engage in "activities" that are likely to transmit a venereal disease.

The laws are "very popular," Hanssens said, although it's hard to know how often prosecutors invoke the laws.

Lambda Legal Defense opposes the laws for a variety of reasons, she said. They don't focus on the responsibilities of the people who are exposed to HIV, and they address the "non-problem" of intentional HIV transmission, she said.

Also, the laws open up the door to "swearing contests" between HIV-positive defendants and their accusers. "I can assure you that the person with HIV is assumed to be less credible," she said. "It's very difficult to prove that you told someone you had HIV."

Texas:  Teen says he killed friend out of self-hate*
by Barbara Dozetos from PlanetOut.com, Friday, July 6, 2001 / 03:55 PM

A 17-year-old boy in Texas says he killed a 14-year-old boy he was in an intimate relationship with because he hated himself for being gay.

Jon Paul Marsh is charged with beating Nathan Mayoral to death on March 20. At Marsh's bail hearing this week, Harris County Detective Ben Beall read a transcript of Marsh's confession. "It was the last thing keeping me hating myself," Beall read from Marsh's statement.

Beall told the judge that Marsh had described growing up in a home where homosexuality was condemned. The detective said the boy described himself as "an abomination." According to the Houston Chronicle, Marsh's father wept openly in the courtroom as Beall spoke.

According to the transcript Beall read, Marsh had begun to hate himself because of the relationship with Mayoral, which he described as consensual. Marsh's mother, Betty, said she and her husband, Jon, had talked with their son about his homosexuality, but they didn't know he was in a relationship with Mayoral.

Responding to Marsh's statement that the relationship with Mayoral was consensual, the victim's father, Tony Mayoral, told the Chronicle, "I don't feel like Nathan was a willing participant, or he'd still be alive today. Whether he was or he wasn't, I love him still the same."

Mayoral's parents say their son had a girlfriend. "I know he liked girls," the boy's father told the Chronicle.

Marsh was released on $75,000 bail July 2. He has been certified to stand trial as an adult, although he was 16 when the killing took place.

Texas: ACLU fights ruling limiting gays right to sue*
by Fidel Ortega from PlanetOut.com, Friday, July 6, 2001 / 03:59 PM

HOUSTON -- A federal judge in Texas improperly dismissed a lawsuit brought against the City of Houston by a woman whose son was killed by his ex-lover, the American Civil Liberties Union charged in papers filed Thursday at the federal appeals court in New Orleans.

The Texas judge ruled that the woman could not sue the city for police spurning repeated requests for protection because lesbians and gay men are not entitled to protection from discrimination.

Marc Kajs was shot and killed in Houston's heavily gay Montrose neighborhood in 1998, after repeatedly seeking help from the police because his ex-lover was harassing and threatening him.

Kajs' mother, Gloria Swidriski, filed a federal lawsuit against the City of Houston, noting that her son's ex-lover would not have been able to carry a concealed firearm if police had treated her son's complaints seriously. She alleged that Houston police routinely deny protective services to gay victims of crimes.

The U.S. District Court in Houston dismissed Swidriski's lawsuit in April, saying in part that lesbians and gay men are not a "protected class," and thus are not entitled to make claims under the Equal Protection clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Swidriski is appealing the case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, where the ACLU filed a brief Thursday.

"We cannot let this ruling stand," said Matt Coles, director of the ACLU Lesbian & Gay Rights Project. "These particular parts of the Constitution exist to make sure that all people are treated equally under that law -- certainly including lesbians and gay men. It should give every American pause to realize that a federal court has gone on record saying that the Constitution's guarantee of equality doesn't extend to lesbians and gay men."

The ACLU's brief clarifies that lesbians and gay men are entitled to Constitutional protection, in part because "negative attitudes toward an individual or class of persons can never constitute a legitimate basis for selective denial of public services." The ACLU goes on to explain that there is a Constitutional claim under Swidriski's allegation that her son died as a result of the city's "practice of selectively enforcing the criminal law based on the sexual orientation of the crime victim."

Swidriski's appeal will go to a three-judge panel of the appeals court, which may decide to schedule a hearing for later this year or issue a decision based only on the written briefs in the case

'Nightline' to air five-part gay special, Tom Musbach, Gay.com / PlanetOut.com Network
Monday, July 23, 2001 / 03:02 PM
*Copyright © 1995-2000 PlanetOut Corporation. PlanetOut Corporation permits, without charge, the reproduction and distribution of PlanetOut materials for non-commercial educational and personal uses, provided that such materials remain unaltered and are accompanied by a clearly visible copy of this copyright notice and by PlanetOut's URL (http://www.planetout.com/) and America Online keyword (Keyword: PlanetOut). All other reproduction, distribution, retransmission, modification, public display, and public performance of PlanetOut materials is prohibited without the prior written consent of PlanetOut Corporation. To obtain such consent, contact:      Copyright Administrator,  PlanetOut Corporation, 657 Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA 94107, (+1) 415-486-2500, Fax: (+1) 415-486-2501, Email: copyright@planetout.com.

The ABC news program "Nightline" announced today it will broadcast a week-long special series this fall focused on the lives of lesbian and gay people in America.

The series, "A Matter of Choice? Gay Life in America," will focus on the experiences of several different members of the GLBT community. According to the ABC press release, one segment will focus on the challenges faced by seniors living in a gay and lesbian retirement  community. Another will explore how citizens in Roanoke, Va. took a stand against violence after a man was murdered in a gay bar.

The shows are scheduled to air in late September, but exact dates have not been announced.

The title of the series, "A Matter of Choice?," has generated concern. "[It] misrepresents the nature of sexual orientation and perpetuates the outdated but still harmful stereotype that one's sexual orientation is merely a simple choice," said Cathy Renna, news media director of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).

She added that while GLAAD hopes the series will be a ground-breaking look at what it means to be gay in America, the title "threatens to taint the experience for viewers."

Tom Bettag, executive producer of "Nightline," acknowledged that the special's title was controversial. He said he hopes "that the title's question will gurgle under the surface" for many viewers, but the series "is not engaging in the debate" over whether homosexuality is a choice.

"The real goal of the show," he said, "is to cover the day-to-day experiences of this community, which we've never done before."

New LGBT Club in Junction City

A new club which in Junction City whose target clientele are gay, lesbian and allies.  Their location is a short distance to the south of the Jim Clark auto dealership. Xcalibur Club, 384 Grant Ave, Junction City, KS 66441, Phone:  (785) 762-2050.

Gabrielle St Charles is a local Salina woman with a national following for her lesbian romance writing. To contact her, write via email to RomanceWriter4u@aol.com or via postal mail at C/O Bella Books, PO Box 201007, Ferndale, MI 48220 or at Gabrielle St Charles, c/o Pride Industries, 124 E Ellsworth,Salina, Ks. 67401. Also, please visit her website the Dear Gabby website for more wonderful romance advice.

Dear Gabby:

How come romance has to be so fattening? Everything that people say to do is filled with calories and stuff that is bad for you. Chocolate, candy, whipped cream, syrup, desserts, alcohol … why can’t it be good for you?

-Healthy from Houston

Dear Health-Conscious:

Oh Contraire!!! I happen to know that you can be romantic on not only a shoestring budget, but you can do it in a healthy manner as well. Chocolate and candy can be replaced with flowers and books. Notice I did not say fat and sugar free products. These items contain replacements that might not metabolize as one might like. Just get rid of them unless on a very limited basis. Syrup can be replaced with fruit juice. Try squeezing an orange on your girlfriends nipples and see what happens. Desserts have me thinking that you can find something much more tantalizing like a frozen juice pops, sex, fruit in natural juices, scones (light on the sugar, I make mine homemade), and more. Alcohol can be replaced by soda, water and sparkling juice or cider. I hope we don’t all need to get ‘relaxed’ in order to be romantic. And last, but not least, the infamous whipped cream replacement. Fact of the matter, ladies, there IS NO replacement for whipped cream in a can. Read the label, I think it actually says that if used correctly you worked off those calories while using it.

Invite someone to share this evening:

Appetizer: Melon Balls
Cut and ball what fruit you can, if not that talented, then just cut it up so that you can feed it to your date. Place in a chilled container prior to use.

Prelude to:
Put on some soft music. Lay out a wonderful spread on the floor. Use blankets, sleeping bag, pillows, and cushions, whatever. Just make it comfy. Dim lights. Serve by hand to your date. Ask them to close their eyes and place tidbits appropriately. Remember if any juice is dropped, proper clean up is essential. (Hint: if squeezed, the fruit juice WILL drop).

Anything you like. Serve in same setting. Spoon-fed is good. Help each other out. Candles, music, good wine (or preferred beverage) set a scene, which allows you to utilize your charm.

Dessert: Frothy Drinks
The ideal blend is up to you. Here is my personal favorite. You may practice this recipe before hand and find your taste.
Ingredients: bananas, 2 c. orange juice, frozen strawberries, and ice. In a blender, mix all ingredients but ice. Add ice and continue to blend until you have an icy, frothy blended drink. Add flavors (vanilla, cherry, etc). Serve the drink on the porch in a swing. Talk about what your dreams are in life. Remember what it was like to play hide and seek as a child. Talk about lying under the stars and gazing….or have the guts to just do it. Lay on each other’s tummies and find the pictures in the sky, the astronomer’s dream.

Dear Gabby:

My girlfriend holds a prominent position in the community and everyone falls in love with her. I know she is dedicated to me, but there is an element of insecurity on my part. I know how much she loves me, but how do I show her that I love her just as much? I can’t write to you every time I feel romantic; can you teach me how to ‘think romantic’ and to incorporate it into my daily life?


Dear Bandit:

Being in a semi-prominent position I understand what you are saying. It’s hard when someone is in the ‘limelight’ to understand the appreciation of their following. I believe it suffices it to say that your partner is not interested in the other women, so you have to trust that. If her action and manner is consistent with loving you, take a big risk and trust it. Thinking romantic is a great thing and I am glad you asked this question. You are correct in saying that we don’t have time to have someone ‘plan’ our days for us. Romance is really an easy thing once you understand it. I always say there are two things consistent with being romantic. It has to be thoughtful and unexpected. Keep those two things in mind. Surprise her with something out of the ordinary. Flowers, notes, candy, cards, time for just you two, love,  passion, anything. You just have to surprise her. Sometimes I think people just aren’t as creative as they can be. Here are some ideas for everyday romance to have your girl knowing she is loved.

Try lipstick, eyeliner or wipe-away marker on your bathroom mirror. Just write ‘I love you’ or ‘I will miss you today’. Cut out paper plate hearts and trail them to the laundry room, where you have a note waiting for her that says, ‘Meet me tonight for dinner, I will be thinking of you and dreaming of kissing you.’ Paint ‘I love you’ on the inside of a kitchen cabinet or your fridge so she sees it everyday. Put notes all over the things in her briefcase, tackle box or whatever it is she carries around. Soap her car/truck windows with ‘You are loved’. Put a new message on her screensaver of the computer. Do the things that will catch her off-guard, yet let her know that you took a little time to make her aware of how you feel. The little things are the things that can be done in a few moments, for little to no money, and they mean the world. Send cards often, even if you are the one that picks up the mail. Put confetti in them or on her pillow, or spray them with cologne or perfume. Just take the time to love her when she isn’t around. You will win her heart for eternity.

Dear Gabby:

I can’t believe I’m writing this to you. First of all, I want to tell you what Surrender did for me, it was the best book I’ve ever read. I had the conflict in the church and felt that the way you handled the characterization of Maria was simply beautiful. It changed my life. I’ve come to know a gentler God now. Anyway, Gabby, I met a woman who likes to ask me golfing. I’ve been seeing her casually; she knew about my conflict, and thinks I might be straight. She asks me golfing at least once a week and I suck at it. She wants me to learn the game, but she drives me crazy every time she gets near me to teach me anything and I can’t concentrate. Will you help me? I know you love golf, maybe you can tell me what to do?

-Donna Gayle

Dear DG:

I do love golf. Here’s what I would do. First, call the local pro and ask for some lessons. Get on the computer and look at golf sites for women, subscribe to magazines, start reading up on it and just play, play, play. You get better with practice. Apparently you can hold your own, or she wouldn’t be asking you to play, she’d ask you to caddy. My favorite thing about golfing is making love on the course. It’s something that I think about even when playing alone. The beauty of the course, the green of the grass, the tan of the sand, the water; I love it all. Maybe you should hit one in the rough on purpose and have her help you find it? And, who cares what you score, if you look good doing it?

-Gabby’s evil twin

Dear Gabby:

I heard you have a new book coming out that deals with Dear Gabby and a new line of clothes. Is that true?

Jeanine in Jersey

Dear JJ:

It is true. Thank you for asking. I have a line of apparel and goods that I endorse called Free2Bme. You can check it out on the website www.therivalry.com and as far as the Dear Gabby book, Romance isn’t all about Sex!!! It has most of my Dear Gabby letters and focuses on romance and etiquette. I have a publisher interested in it, but no contract thus far. If you want more information on my products and lines, see the web site or call the customer service number at 888-330-6986.

Take care,


Dear Gabby:

I’ve been trying to romance a girl I’ve been seeing. I think that I’m in love with her and I’m so ready to make love to her. Usually I sit on the couch and flip the channels. I really am trying to get her. I keep doing things like putting roses under her pillow, making paper/confetti trails to my bedroom when she comes over with little notes, I read your column and do the things you say. How can I get this girl in bed?


Dear Dani:

No wonder it isn’t working. My ideas are not to “get someone in bed.” It’s romance and romance isn’t sex. Romance is helping someone show the emotions they have. Seems to me your “Alice Bundy” approach might have worked just as well. She probably sees through your new approach and calls it what it is … just that, a simple minded approach.


Dear Gabby:

Why is romance all about sex, sex, sex? My girlfriend, who I’ve been dating for three months now, is always trying to get me in bed and I’m not ready. I like her a lot, but I don’t want to marry her. I think that she believes if she romances me enough then I will sleep with her. How do I let her know that it isn’t like that and that by her doing so, she just makes me not appreciate the things she does. She always has ulterior motives and then she is mad when I don’t give in.


Dear Sheila:

Is your friend’s name Dani? So many times we fall under the preconceived notion that romance leads to sex. “Not so!” is all I have to say. Romance should be the igniting of a spark. Sex is great, fine and dandy, but it’s something to reckon with as both parties believe that it’s time to express that love. That’s my philosophy anyway. I hope that things calm down for you. Be open and upfront with her and if she doesn’t let up, move on. You’re the only one who knows, but I wouldn’t give in until you are darned well good and ready.


I heard a great little maneuver that I have to share with you. I read an article where a woman told about her husband proposing to her with a dental floss container note. He decorated the outside of an empty floss container and then cut strips of paper that fit into it, taped them together and rolled them all up after writing his note … ending in the proposal, which had to be pulled out of the container. I immediately grabbed my almost empty roll, ripped the floss off it and got ready to write my note.

How about making a paper mache’ heart? It was really easy, quite time consuming and a mess … but loads of fun for my daughter and I this Valentine’s Day. We gave ours to the woman I was dating and her and I used it to put our nightly prayers in when we talked on the phone before bed, but you could do any number of things with them. Summer is here, bust that heat with some ice-cold lemonade and a Jello bath. How about a pudding fight in a swimming pool, pudding wrestling? Try running different items over your lover’s back or stomach to see if they can identify the source? Get creative and have a great time
this summer.

Carol's Cool No-Bake Peanut Butter Eggs

1 cup Powdered Sugar
1/2 cup Creamy Peanut Butter
3 tablespoons Butter--softened
1 pound Dipping Chocolate (or additional Powedered Sugar)

In a mixing bowl stire together powdered sugar, creamy peanut butter & butter till well combined.  Shape candy into 1-inch balls. Place the balls on a baking sheet lined with wax paper.  Let the balls stand about 20 minutes or untill dry.  Melt the dipping chocolate, dip the balls & let stand to dry or roll in powdered sugar. Store tightly covered in a cool, dry place. Can put in freezer for long term storage.


  Upcoming Community Events

Below is a listing of LGBT Community Events in Manhattan Kansas. If you would like information about events state-wide, visit The Liberty Press at http://www.libertypress.net.

Wednesday, August 1st: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.

Wednesday, August 1st: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Monday, August 6th: The Manhattan Project
An after the coming out process discussion group for gay/bi/transgender men. Meets from 7-8 pm the first and third Monday of each month at the ECM Building , 1021 Denison, in the Lounge. For more information, please call RAP at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.

Wednesday, August 8th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.

Wednesday, August 8th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Wednesday, August 15th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.

Wednesday, August 15th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Monday, August 20th: The Manhattan Project
An after the coming out process discussion group for gay/bi/transgender men. Meets from 7-8 pm the first and third Monday of each month at the ECM Building , 1021 Denison, in the Lounge. For more information, please call RAP at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.

Wednesday, August 22nd: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.

Wednesday, August 22nd: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Thursday, August 23rd: KSU Student Activities Carnival
K-State Student Union, from 6:00 p.m - midnight, Admission:Free Union Expo featuring the Activities Carnival will showcase approximately 100 campus organizations, including KSU's Queer Straight Alliance. There will be giveaways and free entertainment. If your organization is interested in participating in the event contact UPC at 532-6571.

Saturday, August 25th: How to Make a Difference at KSU
"K" room in the Student Union, from 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., Admission: Free. Interactive workshop lead by Dr. Doris Wright professor of Psychology. Learn how to effectively dialogue with different races and cultures.

Saturday, August 25th: FHA "Welcome Back" Picnic
It will not be at Tuttle Creek this time but will be at Sheryl and Angela's house.  We will have fun and games and we will grill.  FHA will supply food and drink. If you want to contribute a side dish, that would be wonderful.  Please BYOB of alcohol.  It will begin at noon and go until?  Please contact me at 587-0786 if you need directions or have questions.

Wednesday, August 29th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.

Wednesday, August 29th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Wednesday, September 5th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.

Wednesday, September 5th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Monday, September 10th: The Manhattan Project
An after the coming out process discussion group for gay/bi/transgender men. Meets from 7-8 pm the first and third Monday of each month at the ECM Building , 1021 Denison, in the Lounge. For more information, please call RAP at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.

Wednesday, September 12th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.

Wednesday, September 12th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Wednesday, September 19th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.

Wednesday, September 19th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Friday September 21st: FHA Potluck
Come on over to Victor's house for a fun and tasty potluck at 6PM. For more information, email FHA at: fhakansas@yahoo.com.

Monday, September 24th: The Manhattan Project
An after the coming out process discussion group for gay/bi/transgender men. Meets from 7-8 pm the first and third Monday of each month at the ECM Building , 1021 Denison, in the Lounge. For more information, please call RAP at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.

Wednesday, September 26th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.

Wednesday, September 26th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Please e-mail us at fha_thetriangle@yahoo.com with your comments and suggestions.

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