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February 2001 Issue

Table of Contents:


We Need Your Help
by Jennifer Bame (jensfog@hotmail.com)

Summer and Fall 2000 have been wonderful.  The Flint Hills Alliance has continued accommodate many needs of our community.

Spring 2001 brings more opportunity for growth not only with an excellent array of events and activities, but also in opportunities for leadership.  At the Thursday February 15th meeting, officer nominations (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) will take place.  At the Thursday March 1st meeting, elections will be held for the June 2001-May 2002 term. Unfortunately, Angela (President) and Brenda (Secretary) are unable to run for office again due to personal obligations. Larry, Treasurer, has said he would be interested in running again for the same position.

I would like you to look deep with in yourself and your dreams for our community. How can you contribute to keeping the Flint Hills Alliance alive?  Are able to schedule potlucks and Coffee Talks?  Are you able to balance a checkbook?  Could you keep notes at meetings? If so, you should consider running for office.  With a full officer board, the duties of the officers are not as time consuming as many people think.

I hope you will seriously consider being an active presence in our wonderful LGBT community.  It is essential that every voice is heard and every body take action. This is an important time for our organization.  Please talk with other members about your vision and your hopes for our future.

For information about officer nominations and duties of officers, please contact the Flint Hills Alliance via email at fha.kansas@usa.net.

Action is Eloquence
by Brenda S. Hanger, LSCSW (bhanger@flinthills.com)

As I watch Air Force One lift off toward New York with who is now former President Clinton on board and view the procession of limousines traveling up Pennsylvania Avenue carrying who is now President Bush toward his new residence, I wonder what the task is before us as a community of gay, lesbian, bi and transgendered people. If we believe that our future is in the hands of George W., then I suspect that pessimism has already taken hold. W. declares himself more toward the ideals of Reagan than his father before him. Reagan, the President who did not utter the word aids until very late in his leadership and most likely never, ever spoke the words gay, lesbian, bi or transgendered in his entire lifetime. I suppose the very thought of that may be enough to support some level of pessimism as President Bush takes over the Oval Office. However, my partner and the First Lady share the profession of Librarian and I think that somehow this fact sparks the glimmer of light that keeps me hopeful. The reality of Laura Bush’s decisions or the notion that they will be any more insightful than George’s has yet to be determined. Then again, I may be assuming that all librarians are insightful, liberal, clear headed and take a position that censorship at any level, for any group, is not a good thing.

Action is eloquence. At least, that is what The Bard said. So, it is action that I will continue to take. I do not believe my best thinking places my survival in another person, despite that person being the President. It has been a spot of contention for some when I offer my thinking regarding the last eight years. I voted, supported and was generally content with Clinton. But, after those eight years, progress still places us in an all too familiar spot: Relationships still not being legally sanctioned, adoption rights still being fought for, medical insurance still remaining unavailable to partners of same gender couples, and the whole military thing that continues to be confusing to me. Matthew Shepard was beaten and hung on a fence to die, Brandon Teena was raped by his attackers and the police department of Falls City, NE, and despite our 16-year relationship I do not have the right to follow my partner's wishes in case she is not able to speak for herself without a legal document. I realize that progress occurs in incremental steps. But, I certainly become weary of this inching process that costs the GLBT community many of it finest along the way. I will therefore continue to take the action I have been taking--maybe a little more loudly and a little more clearly.

One of the action pieces is that from time to time I am invited to speak to groups of individuals on various topics, including GLBT issues. I had the opportunity to do that on October 11, National Coming Out Day. The audience was a class of social work students at K-State. As I am reflecting on the experience, I am reminded that there continues to be reason to be optimistic-despite the miscount in Florida. These students were interested, and not in a condescending way. They asked good questions, and were able to discern the rightness in all people having equal access. This group of students were able to comprehend that if limits are placed on any of us , then limits are placed on all of us. Not all social work students that I have  encountered have been able to do this. The difference with this group was the fact that they had had an out lesbian instructor in the Intro. to Social Work class. Action is eloquence and that particular instructor was able to take an action that absolutely had an impact on how the development of her students’ views of diversity would take shape. That has the potential to touch more people, have more impact than the views of George W. Thanks to Dr. Patricia O’Brien (permission to use her name was obtained and gladly given) 15 people will circulate throughout the next four years with a less homophobic lens. That is powerful, that is inching our way toward equity and that is what creates hope for me despite the fact that the now President Bush will occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for the next one thousand, four hundred and sixty

Letter from the FHA President
by Angela C. (Angelica115@excite.com)

Hi everyone,

Time has past so quickly since my last article and just recently I have really understood the value of time and my family. We've gotten through the holidays, begun new life adventures and finally have a new USA President. I am concerned about the next four years with Bush in office. Already on his first day, he has used his power to limit funding for safe and legal abortions and did support anti-abortionists picketing Roe vs. Wade's aniversary date. What is going to be next? I believe that unless we rally together as a powerful and strong Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered community, we are going to be shoved back into the closet whether we like it or not. So, here's my point and proposition. Recently, the FHA officers met and decided to postpone the Gay Fair Day. I still believe that the Gay Fair Day would and will be a great service to our community but I need your help, strength and courage to get involved in this safe environment. If you can't be an officer, our community understands but there is tons of ways you can support your community without giving up your anonymity. Let us know you care by either phone, email, attending functions, creating functions or being actively supportive. Okay, enough of my soap box.   : )

FHA is having nominations soon for officers. Anyone interested please contact Brenda, Larry, Jennifer or myself. Any paid member can nominate and vote. The business meeting for nominations will be February 15, 2001, at the UFM Community Learning Center in the Conference Room at 7PM. The business meeting on March 1, 2001 at the same location and time will be the voting of officers. I hope to see you there.  : )

Until next time, keep the faith and believe in each other.

Angela C.

February Sisters Forum

The February Sisters Association announces the 29th Annual February Sister’s Forum. The February Sister’s Association is named in honor of the February Sisters, a group of women at KU who fought for women’s issues on the KU campus. Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War is the 2001 forum topic. The forum will consist of 3 events:

1)  The Vagina Monologues. In  the play The Vagina Monologues, Eve Ensler has given voice to a chorus of poignant, brave, highly original and thoroughly human stories. Based on interviews with a diverse group of women- from a Long Island antique dealer to a Bosnian refuge- the play brazenly explores the humor, power, pain, wisdom, outrage, mystery, and excitement hidden in vaginas. Having seen the play, no one--man or woman--will ever look at the world in the same way again. Admission: $5 donation. There will be three performances of the play, all at 7pm:
 February 15th, Ecumenical Christian Ministries, 1204 Oread.
 February 16th, Ecumenical Christian Ministries, 1204 Oread.
 February 17th, Hashinger Hall, 1632 Engel Rd.

2)  Calling the Ghosts: A Story About Rape, War and Women. An extraordinarily powerful documentary film, “Calling the Ghosts” is the first person account of two women caught in a war here rape was as much an everyday weapon as bullets or bombs. The film tells the story of two women who lived the lives of “ordinary modern women” until one day their former neighbors became their tormentors. The women turn their personal struggles for survival into a larger fight for justice--aiding other women similarly brutalized and successfully lobbying to have rape as a war crime by the UN Tribunal at the Hague. “Calling the Ghosts” is an indispensable resource for deepening understanding of human rights abuses and combating violence against women in the global arena. The film will be shown February 21st   at the Kansas Union, Woodruff Auditorium, 7pm. Admission is free.

3)  February Sisters Forum. This, our main event, will feature two distinguished guest speakers: Dr. Anne Barstow, renowned author of Wars Dirty Secret: Rape, Prostitution, and other Crimes Against Women, and Pamela Schifman, Co-Executive Director of the New York based Equality Now, and advocacy group that supports the United Nations international human rights efforts for women. These exceptional women will share their own expertise, then lead an open discussion. A reception will follow. The forum will be held February 22nd, 7pm in the Kansas Union, Alderson Auditorium.

For more information please visit the February Sister’s website at: www.geocities.com/febsisters
Or contact Carly Hayden Foster at 864 9056, or  carly@lark.cc.ukans.edu.

A local lesbian artist, Barb Rutherford, displays pieces in Manhattan Gallery

Lesbian artist, Barb Rutherford, has works at the new gallery in Manhattan, Urban Designs, 1204 Moro Street Aggieville. The works are small paintings on paper, with words and tiny photos collaged onto the 'hand' painted surface. She also have a range of small refrigerator magnets of other works for sale.

Barb explains "Most of my works represent a desire to be more "lesbian" than I allow myself to be. They are hidden metaphors for times and places, feelings and events.  I hope you enjoy them if you get a chance to see what is there."

Barb's works should be on display at Urban Design through February 14, 2001 maybe longer. You may contact Barb via email at barbierutherford@hotmail.com.

A Love Letter
submitted by CT, author Unknown

This is a love letter.

This is a love letter because you don't hear it often enough, especially during the holidays. This is a love letter because even though you don't believe it all the time, you belong in this world.

This is a love letter to every young lesbian who's been told she's not a real girl until she has sex with a man. This is a love letter to every boy who's been beaten for not being manly, and to every muscular gay guy who has looked on in terrified silence. This is a love letter to the teenage drag queens who get kicked out of their houses and end up tricking on the streets. This is a love letter to all the gay kids who think about dying and sometimes succeed because the world doesn't prize their lives.

This is a love letter to the queer students who live courageously in the dorms, the ones who've told the horror stories: the students whom certain teachers trash in class, the students on whom pranks are played and whose door decorations are ripped down, the students who risk bodily harm and the disdain of the a homophobic, gender-policing world in order to claim their birthright as human beings. This is a love letter to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans kids who are growing up in families or religions that don't recognize and appreciate the diversity of human life.  This is a love letter to the LGBT adults like Mel White who persist, knocking gently and not-so-gently on the doors of their familial and spiritual homes, saying, "We know we have a place at this table, under this roof; we belong in this synagogue, this mosque, this church." (www.soulforce.org)

This is a love letter to butch lesbians and flaming gay men, a love letter for every moment of your life when you've braved living with integrity, looking the world in the eye. This is a love letter to dykes like Lea Delaria who walk with that special swagger, and to gay boys like Jack on "Will and Grace" who walk with the special swish.

This is a love letter to Brandon Teena, who lived his too-short life with reckless abandon because he didn't know his own value and possibility. This is a love letter to tell the female-to-male and male-to-female people out there that your life matters, that your survival means a richer and better world.

This is a love letter to the women and men, the drag queens and kings, who risked arrest at Stonewall in 1969 when they fought against police. This is a love letter to all those who frequented the small gay bars in Jackson; Miss. in Bend, Ore; in Des Moines, Iowa, who survived police raids, brutality and humiliation in order to find more of your own kind.  This is a love letter to the butch women and gay men raped by police over many long years of oppression.

This is a love letter to those on the front lines of gender and sexuality, especially trans people I know and cherish: Jayson, Gunner, and the Gender Puzzlers. I love your emotional, intellectual and physical selves. I love your shy and bold voices. I love the lines of your faces, your cheekbones. I love your eyes, full of fear and hope and honesty.

I love your mouths, above which hair might be cultivated or plucked. I love your necks, graceful and taut or solid and protected. I love your shoulders, thickened by testosterone or toned and thinned by training. I  love your chests, the scars of mastectomies, the proud new breasts, the fine, gentle hearts that beat beneath. I love your hands -- the hands that some claim show your former gender assignment, the hands that work in factories and in hospitals, the hands that carry my UPS packages, the hands that hold chalk, the hands that hold babies. I love your pre-operative bodies, your post-operative bodies, your glorious and beautiful,  diverse and marvelous bodies.

I love you, my dear queer family, for giving the world your many gifts: flexibility, understanding, complexity, beauty and courage. Stay warm this holiday season. Stay alive. And stay proud.

Gabrielle St Charles is a local Salina woman with a national following for her lesbian romance writing. To contact her, write via email to RomanceWriter4u@aol.com or via postal mail at C/O Bella Books, PO Box 201007, Ferndale, MI 48220. Also, please visit her website the Dear Gabby website for more wonderful romance advice.

Dear Gabby:

Stephanie and I have just recently married.  She is in the military and was shipped off to Kuwait a week after our ceremony.  Let me tell you girl, it was heart wrenching.  But, being the big-girl I am, I took myself by my riding straps and I am gutting it out.  She comes home just before Christmas and I have been faithful the entire time.  I love her and want to show her just how much.  Help me make her homecoming unforgettable....


Dear Carol:

Call the limo company now.  Pick her up from the airport or meet her just outside the base with two gift boxes, matching panties and bras and robes.  Change in the limo, but don't get carried away.  Lots of kissing in order here.  Before hand, I would put a ton of rose petals in a bathtub scented pleasantly, ready to fill, candles lit everywhere.  I would have chocolate covered cherries and whipped cream and a great dinner in the oven (finger food, of course).  I would have a weeks supply of nuts, raisins and water in my nightstand (wouldn't plan on leaving that locale any too soon) and I would plan a night of solitude, or day.....or week.  Just let her know that you missed her...over and over again!!!

Dear Gabby:

I have recently bumped into a couple, friends of a friend. I have never met them, but spoken to them often.  They have a friend that they would like to set me up with. I a not opposed to that; I know them to be very Christian, very loyal to each other and very loving in general.  Because I trust them, I trust their choice.  I have invited the three of them to dinner in my home.  Now the panic begins.  Although I am excited and semi-anxious to meet someone they think might have the same interests and values that I have, I haven't dated for several months and have too many things flying through my mind.  I am playing this out in my head.  Do I go for the Martha Stewart approach, the romantic approach or just a couple of friends coming over for dinner?


I say go Martha Stewart all the way.  If you can mention Martha, then you can give it a shot.  I get the Martha Stewart Magazine and find it incredibly resourceful...  Gauge your theme to your entree in decoration and dessert.  Be sure to make little gifts for each place setting.  I have used an oriental setting.  I put a gift at each place setting, an origami “fortune-teller,” a grown-up version of the children’s “cootie catcher.”  I kid you not, that is truly what it’s called.  In the movie Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion, Michelle uses one in the car and says, “Who am I going to have sex with tonight at the re-u-n-ion”, quite a fun idea.  I would leave out the sex part, however.  Martha Stewart Entertaining Magazine:  Celebrating 2000 is where I got this idea.  Create your dinner or order it in, either is acceptable and fun.  If you order in, you can order to each guest’s tastes.    Brandies and cigars might be a bit much for a lesbian dinner party, but sherry and cheese and tea biscuits is a nice final touch (English flare).  You can do anything if you have the Martha touch to it.

*Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion:  Touchstone Pictures

Dear Gabby:

I am in a relationship of a few months with my first girlfriend (I am her first also.) Our six- month anniversary is approaching and I am concerned. As much as I hate to admit it, I feel like a klutz. I really don't feel like I know what do to make it special for us. How do I make this an experience we can remember forever?


Dear Kallie:

Okay, go get her, wherever she is (in your bed, her bed or whatever, because I don't know if you cohabitate) at 5 am.  Have the right music, a great breakfast in a basket and plenty of blankets.  Drive to a very secluded and sensual place; find it before hand.  Dress warm if you need to and bring extra just in case.  The key here is solitude, seclusion and sensuality.  Dance with her in the dark until the sun comes up.  Make a list prior of what qualities she has that you admire and adore.  Watch the sunrise with her and let her know that your world rises that way, because of her.  Lay out the breakfast spread there or at home, where it's warm, and spend as much time as you can in seclusion.  Snuggle, cuddle and share your world with her.

Dear Gabby:

Can you help me with a dilemma? I have noticed lately that I am attracted to women. I enjoy looking at women, I am developing more intimate relationships with the women around me, and I have fantasized about a physical relationship with a woman. Am I gay? Am I bi-sexual? Can you give me some kind of explanation for this and help me with my options?

Thanks,  Cyndee

Dear Cyndee:

Being gay is neither right, wrong or in between.... it just is.  This exploration is an intensely personal journey for you and everyone else discovering their sexuality.  Only YOU can know.

Kissing tip:  For luscious lips, try some very special lip remedies.  This time of year can be very hard on the lips.  Chapped, scaling and overall un-presentable lips can be foregone by applying softeners, flavored or otherwise and making sure that you drink lots of water.  It’s that easy to have great lips and you know how to use them.

Upcoming Community Events

Sunday February 4th: KSU's Queer Straight Alliance Business Meeting
7 p.m. Union 206. For more information email QSA at: qsa@ksu.edu.

Monday February 5th: The Manhattan Project
An after the coming out process discussion group for gay/bi/transgender men. Meets from 7-8 pm the first and third Monday of each month at the ECM Building , 1021 Denison, in the Lounge. For more information, please call RAP at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.

Wednesday February 7th: QSA's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Wednesday February 7th: HIV+ Support Group.
This is an exceptional opportunity for persons with HIV to talk and share their experiences. You can voice your concerns and talk with others about what's going on in your life. The group is open to anyone who is HIV+. For more information, please call RAP at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com. Meets the first Wednesday of each month.

Friday February 9th: FHA's Coffee Talk for Women
Coffee Talk for Women meets on the 2nd & 4th Fridays of each month from 8-9 pm at a local coffee house. For more information, email FHA at: fha.kansas@usa.net.

Wednesday February 14th: QSA's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Thursday February 15th: FHA Business Meeting--FHA OFFICER NOMINATIONS
Get involved by planning events for our LGBT community by becoming a Flint Hills Alliance Officer!!  Officer positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. This meeting will be held in the Conference Room (upstairs) of the UFM Community Learning Center, 1221 Thurston, at 7pm. Remember you must have your annual dues ($10) paid to run for office, nominate and vote! For more information about the duties of the officers or this meeting, please email FHA at: fha.kansas@usa.net.

Friday February 16th: FHA Valentine's Potluck
This Valentine's Potluck will be held at Ang & Sheryl's. Anything in the shape of a Valentine is welcome. Prize to the most creative idea!! For more information, email FHA at: fha.kansas@usa.net.

Saturday February 17th: Valentine's Day Dance
Sponsored by RAP, FHA, and QSA. Starts at 9pm, ends at 12 midnight. Location the ECM Building. For more information, please call RAP at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.

Sunday February 18th:  KSU's Queer Straight Alliance Business Meeting
7 p.m. Union 206. For more information email QSA at: qsa@ksu.edu.

Monday February 19th: The Manhattan Project
An after the coming out process discussion group for gay/bi/transgender men. Meets from 7-8 pm the first and third Monday of each month at the ECM Building , 1021 Denison, in the Lounge. For more information, please call RAP at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.

Wednesday February 21st: QSA's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Friday February 23rd: FHA's Coffee Talk for Women
Coffee Talk for Women meets on the 2nd & 4th Fridays of each month from 8-9 pm at a local coffee house. For more information, email FHA at: fha.kansas@usa.net.

Wednesday February 28th: QSA's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Thursday March 1st: FHA Business Meeting--FHA OFFICER ELECTIONS
Get involved by planning events for our LGBT community by becoming a Flint Hills Alliance Officer!!  Officer positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. This meeting will be held in the Conference Room (upstairs) of the UFM Community Learning Center, 1221 Thurston, at 7pm. Remember you must have your annual dues ($10) paid to run for office, nominate and vote! For more information about the duties of the officers or this meeting, please email FHA at: fha.kansas@usa.net.

Sunday March 4th:  KSU's Queer Straight Alliance Business Meeting
7 p.m. Union 206. For more information email QSA at: qsa@ksu.edu.

Monday March 5th: The Manhattan Project
An after the coming out process discussion group for gay/bi/transgender men. Meets from 7-8 pm the first and third Monday of each month at the ECM Building , 1021 Denison, in the Lounge. For more information, please call RAP at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.

Wednesday March 7th: QSA's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Wednesday March 7th: HIV+ Support Group.
This is an exceptional opportunity for persons with HIV to talk and share their experiences. You can voice your concerns and talk with others about what's going on in your life. The group is open to anyone who is HIV+. For more information, please call RAP at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com. Meets the first Wednesday of each month.

Friday March 9th: FHA's Coffee Talk for Women
Coffee Talk for Women meets on the 2nd & 4th Fridays of each month from 8-9 pm at a local coffee house. For more information, email FHA at: fha.kansas@usa.net.

Wednesday March 14th: QSA's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Friday March 16th: FHA Potluck--Location TBA
Potlucks are always fun with FHA!! We are currently looking for someone to host our March potluck.  If you would like more information or are interested in hosting, please contact the Flint Hills Alliance via email at fha.kansas@usa.net.

Monday March 19th: The Manhattan Project
An after the coming out process discussion group for gay/bi/transgender men. Meets from 7-8 pm the first and third Monday of each month at the ECM Building , 1021 Denison, in the Lounge. For more information, please call RAP at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.

Wednesday March 21st: QSA's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Friday March 23rd: FHA's Coffee Talk for Women
Coffee Talk for Women meets on the 2nd & 4th Fridays of each month from 8-9 pm at a local coffee house. For more information, email FHA at: fha.kansas@usa.net.

Wednesday March 28th: QSA's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore issues concerning sexual orientation.  Everything that is discussed does not leave the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note:  Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date and location.

Please email us at fha.thetriangle@usa.net with your comments and suggestions.

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