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June 2001 Issue
Birthday The Triangle!!!
one year old this month!!!
Table of Contents:
Hi everyone!
It has been a very fast two months with tons of excitement and activities. Our community was saddened recently when our two friends, Jennifer and Carol who helped FHA so much, moved to New Jersey. The great thing is Jennifer will graciously continue to design and manage the web site for FHA's online newsletter, The Triangle. I feel that this is a great gift that Jennifer is giving to FHA. It's simply wonderful. : ) If you want to email the FHA email or me personally with any articles, I will make sure that it gets to Jennifer.
The women in the community have been gathering at various eateries in town that has good food. We call it "Wings Night" but that doesn't mean that we eat wings every Wednesday. If you are interested, please email me.
The annual FHA picnic was
a bunch of fun and we had fun playing and eating! Sorry we missed you if
you didn't attend. It was the perfect day with temps being in the
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Coffee talk will be postponed until the Fall.
Karen C. has volunteered to be the FHA Secretary. FHA and I very
much appreciate it!! We will have several events this summer so please
check the web site. Most are still in the planning stages--mainly
we only have to confirm dates and time.
WE ARE GOING TO HAVE THE 2ND ANNUAL WOMEN'S MINIFEST AT TUTTLE CREEK PARK. The date will be July 21-22. It will be hot out, so we will be swimming. Please check the community event listings below in the future or email us for more info.
WE ARE GOING TO HAVE THE 2ND ANNUAL SWIM PARTY that includes everyone: family, friends and children at the Manhattan City Pool again too! So, check the community event listings in the future or email me if you want to be placed on the K&R list. I love sending emails with info to the list.
See you all this summer!!
Angela C., FHA President
or Angelica115@excite.com
Lesbian folk singer Alix Dobkin entertains Manhattan
by Deb Taylor (dtaylor@debtaylor.com)
"This evening is about my favorite subject: Me!" proclaimed Alix Dobkin, a Lesbian folk singer and activist, before a group of around thirty women on Saturday, April 28. Dobkin's "Magical History Tour," presented at KSU's Little Theatre, featured a talk illustrated by singing. It was her final performance for the weekend; Dobkin also gave the Keynote address at Friday's "Take Back the Night" March that was sponsored by KSU's Ordinary Women. Dobkin's visit was sponsored by Brenda S. Hanger, LSCSW, a Manhattan social worker and GLBT community advocate.
Dobkin's Magical History Tour documented--in humorous fashion--her life as a Lesbian who came out in the 1970s when few role models existed. Dobkin's soul-searching and introspection, fueled by what she calls her "activist radical Jewish" background, enabled her to explore and later help define Lesbian culture.
"I talk a lot about being a Lesbian because that's my job as Head Lesbian," joked Dobkin. She is very comfortable talking about women and being in the company of women.
Dobkin spiced her performance with humorous anecdotes and funny stories. She recalled a time years ago when she met a woman who said that the Lesbian Rule was: when you meet a Lesbian you sleep with them. "Can you believe that?" she asked. "It shows you how far we've come."
Dobkin said she fell in love for the first time with a woman she met on the radio. This event inspired her to write her first Lesbian love song which she wrote in the "naïve innocence of youth," back when she thought all Lesbians "agreed with each other." She later realized that the world is filled with lots of Lesbians, some she didn't like, some she couldn't stand, and some, related Dobkin, "I wish weren't Lesbians."
Dobkin enjoyed poking fun at Lesbians: "Women love rocks. No matter where I go, women collect rocks!" She also described how, no matter what country she visits--and she has visited many--the same event occurs when Lesbians get together in a restaurant as a group: "We take it over," she concluded.
"We push the tables together. We interrupt each other. We get animated. Waitresses either love us and want to sit with us or they hate us and are never around."
Dobkin currently performs at women's music festivals and on college campuses. She is writing her memoirs. Read some of Dobkin's Minstrel Blood stories (first printed in Chicago's Windy City Times) at: http://www.debtaylor.com/alix.
Kansas PRIDE will celebrate GLBT Pride Month in Style
Nine days and more than a 15 scheduled activities have been announced by the organizers of Kansas PRIDE 2001.
During the past year, organizers expanded the previous Unity & Pride Alliance of Topeka into a statewide organization, known as Kansas Unity & Pride Alliance (KUPA). "KUPA is in the process of obtaining its 501(c)(3) status to function as a educational and social organization," said Pat Armour, a co-chair. KUPA's mission is to form a network of individuals, allies, and organizations committed to educate Kansans on the diversity of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered (GLBT) community, and give a voice to secure our full civil rights throughout Kansas.
Encompassing two weekends and the week between, the Kansas PRIDE 2001 activities includes many popular events of the past and features some new activities. Popular events being repeated this year include a Monday (June 11) evening theater production, an educational panel on Tuesday, literature readings on Wednesday evening, June 13, and a prom/dance on Friday evening, June 14. The Kansas PRIDE Prom is featured in a special PRIDE section of the June 2001 issue of OUT Magazine.
A major new event added this year is a free Pride Festival on Saturday, June 16, leading up to the traditional and popular PRIDE Picnic.
The new Pride Festival begins at 2 pm with a co-ed volleyball tournament along with a number of exhibits and booths. At 6 pm, the ever popular free picnic will be held, this year featuring a professional DJ and music for all. The Festival and Picnic will be held at Lake Shawnee's Reynold's Lodge on the east side of Topeka (just south of 29th Street on Croco Road).
At about 7 pm, a short rally will feature remarks from some prominent members of the GLBT community, both locally and nationally. Mark Willis of Houston, Texas, a director of InterPride, will address the attendees. InterPride is an international organization supporting Pride activities and events throughout the world. Cheryl Fields of the Kansas Human Rights Commission is also a featured guest.
Well-known in the gay community, Dr. Robert Minor, professor of Religious Studies at the University of Kansas, will also make remarks.
Both weekends are filled with pre and post events of interest to the gay, lesbian, bi and transgendered community, including social events at area clubs and worship services at the Metropolitan Community Church of Topeka.
The complete schedule is available on the new Kansas Pride website: www.kansaspride.org.
Kansas: Judge recognizes transsexual’s marriage
Colorado: Kissing girls deleted from school yearbook
Missouri: High School administrators stand by gay club
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Kansas: Judge recognizes transsexual’s marriage
The Kansas court of appeals ruled Friday that a woman who had a sex-change operation in 1994 is entitled to a court hearing on whether she should receive a portion of her late husband’s $2.5 million estate, The Kansas City Star reports. The three-judge panel overturned a Leavenworth County probate judge’s decision that the 1998 marriage of Marshall and J’Noel Gardiner was void because J’Noel “was born a male and remains a male for purposes of marriage under Kansas law.’’
In a 25-page ruling, the appellate court ordered the case sent back the Leavenworth County district court, saying, “A trial court must consider and decide whether an individual was male or female at the time the individual’s marriage license was issued and the individual was married, not simply what the individual’s chromosomes were or were not at the moment of birth.’’ Marshall Gardiner, who was in his mid 80s when he married J’Noel Gardiner in 1998, was a former state representative and a stockbroker. He died without a will in August 1999. J’Noel Gardiner, who is in her early 40s, is an assistant professor of finance at Park University in Parkville, Kan. She completed sex-reassignment surgery in 1994. Joe Gardiner, Marshall’s son from a previous marriage, is contesting J’Noel’s claim to half of Gardiner’s estate. The appellate court ruling said Joe Gardiner and his father were “estranged.’’ The ruling has significant implications for transsexuals, said Hector Vargas, a state legislative lawyer for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. “It’s probably the first time that a court has essentially said that sex-reassignment surgery is irrelevant to how a couple lives.’’
Colorado: Kissing girls deleted from school yearbook
Students at Boulder High School in Boulder, Colo., are claiming discrimination after a photo of two girls kissing was excluded from the school yearbook. The picture of the two girls was to be included in a feature called “First Kiss’’ along with those of heterosexual couples kissing. “It’s kind of a double standard,’’ said senior Chris Maynard, a member of the activist group Student Worker. That group and the school’s gay-straight alliance are planning a “kiss-in’’ as a protest after classes Wednesday on the patio behind the school. “This is a way of showing that we care about each other as students and as people,” Maynard said. School officials are standing by their decision, saying it was motivated by sensitivity, not censorship. “Coming out is a very serious issue,” said yearbook advisor Ruth Palmer. “The decision was made out of consideration for the kids and their families.’’ Palmer said she asked the student who took the photo to notify the parents of the girls that it might run in yearbook, known as “Odaroloc.’’ When Palmer didn’t hear from the parents before the yearbook deadline, she took the photo out. The kissing students were not identified. Student Worker issued a statement questioning why parental notification was required for the photograph when the yearbook has pictures of male and female students kissing.
Missouri: High school administrators stand by gay club
The principal and superintendent who oversee a Missouri high school say they will stand by students who have started a gay-straight alliance despite complaints from some parents and a local Christian newspaper. Kirkwood High School principal Franklin McCallie says some parents have written asking him to close the club or to ban announcements about the club from the school’s intercom system. But McCallie, who is slated to retire in June, says he has no intention of honoring either request, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports. District superintendent David Damerall says the school district does not endorse the club but it has a legal obligation to accept its existence. “We have an obligation to make sure every student who comes to school is going to be respected as a learner and as a person,’’ Damerall said. “As public schools, we understand we are going to serve a diversity of students.’’ The club has been mentioned in several articles published in the St. Louis Metro Voice, a local Christian newspaper. Jim Day, publisher and executive editor of the paper, says he fears that the club will encourage students to accept homosexuality. “Under the guise of protecting children, the homosexual activist organizations in this country have found an effective way to go after children,’’ Day said. “I’d like to see the club disbanded and Franklin McCallie fired as principal.’’ The Kirkwood High Gay-Straight Alliance started meeting weekly November 30. “The purpose of the club is to support each other,’’ says Amber Terry, a 16-year-old junior and a cofounder of the club. McCallie told students that a Kirkwood alumnus had donated $2,000 to cover expenses if students ever formed a gay club. The Kirkwood club has about 30 members. Since it was created students have visited Jefferson City to lobby for legislation that would ban discrimination based on a person’s sexual orientation. The bill has stalled in the legislature.
Press Release: Sojourn Closes Its Doors June 29, 2001
Contact Person: Susan Tusher (SLTUSHER@AOL.COM)
or (785) 233-5500
Sojourn - A Project of the Tides Center will close her doors on June 29, 2001. The decision to close was made by the co-founders (Susan Tusher, Melba Sutton, and Liz Gowdy), and unanimously approved by the Advisory Board.
The closing comes exactly three years after Sojourn was founded, on June 28, 1998. The organization was incorporated in Kansas in August 1998, became a project of the Tides Center of San Francisco in June 1999, and opened her doors to service on April 24, 2000. Sojourn has served 31 persons living with HIV or AIDS, and over 25 client-defined family members affected by the disease. Services have included medical and psychosocial case management (both traditional and non-traditional), transportation, volunteers, emergency/financial/medication assistance, 24 hour on-call emergency support, and community outreach and education. Sojourn was the recipient of the SFY2001 Ryan White Title II Case Management contract for KDHE region 4; the first year of the new competitive award process.
The decision to close Sojourn was not an easy one. Optimism, hope, and a vision became not enough. Exceptional service delivery and dedicated staff and volunteers weren't enough, either. The quality of life issues that Sojourn has consistently and ardently advocated for on behalf of the clients - financial, emotional, and physical stability - are the very same issues that have garnered costs too high for the staff (an unpaid project director, a partially paid case manager, a volunteer part-time office assistant, and a part-time student) to continue. While funding for client needs and assistance has been consistently high, funding for salaries and overhead expenses has not come through as anticipated, and the future outlook shows no signs of improvement in these areas. At this time, our greatest concern is for the clients. Sojourn's case manager and transition team have begun the transition process, in which clients will be transferred to the Kansas case management site of their choice. This process will be as dignified, respectful, and timely as possible to ensure a smooth continuation of services for the clients.
As the name Sojourn means to dwell in a place temporarily, the time has come to move on in the journey. "We did a lot of good work, got some persons into services that might not otherwise have happened, and helped raise the standards and accountability for case management services in Topeka, as well as throughout the state. We would like to thank all of our clients, board members, friends, and donors for seeing us through to this point. We couldn't have done any of this without you."
National Conference Sept 21-23, 2001
GLSEN is the largest national organization working to end anti-gay bias in K-12 schools. Established nationally in 1995, the organization has become one of the nation's leading voices for equality and safety in America's K-12 schools. Visit www.glsen.org for more information.
Apply For a Youth Scholarship Online!
Scholarships can be applied for on the GLSEN website at www.glsen.org
or by requesting an application from 212.727.0135 x134. The final deadline
for all applications is July 17, 2001.
Greetings all,
New Light Media, The Matthew Shepard Foundation and the Simon Wiesenthal Center are launching a seminar/workshop to combat HATE. The intensive 2-day program brings together some of the nations premiere diversity speakers in a setting that provides educators with the practical tools to address the issues of HATE in the classroom. After completing the workshop, participants may license the award winning film Journey to a Hate Free Millennium and its study guide for use in their own curriculum.
"Journey to a Hate Free Millennium" is the inspirational award-winning documentary that seeks solutions to the horrible hate crimes that have become frequent events in our daily lives. For more information about the film visit: http://www.newlightmedia.org/journey/journey.html
Upcoming training's will be in:
West Palm Beach, FL., June 9th & 10th
Los Angeles, CA., June 23rd & 24th
Denver, CO., August 4th & 5th
New York, NY August 18th & 19th
Please contact me if you have any questions and are interested in receiving
further information!
Ashley E. Underell
Marketing Coordinator
New Light Media
(303) 368-9600 Office
(303) 360-9614 Fax
Gabrielle St Charles is a local Salina woman with a national following for her lesbian romance writing. To contact her, write via email to RomanceWriter4u@aol.com or via postal mail at C/O Bella Books, PO Box 201007, Ferndale, MI 48220. Also, please visit her website the Dear Gabby website for more wonderful romance advice.
Dear Gabby:
My new boyfriend is the father of five. The children range from 4 to 12. I am confused about what to do on the weekends that he has the children. I already won his affection, how do I win the kids? We tried spending one weekend together with all the children and I got thoroughly lost. How do I handle all these children when I have never had one myself?
PS -one of the sticks their tongue out at me every time his dad turns his back. I think he hates me?
Dear Chipper:
We have some work to do for you. I would talk to your boyfriend. First of all, comfort levels are very important. How much affection is okay in front of the children? Are you staying the night? Do the children know about your relationship? I think all pertinent questions. When someone has children and they move into a relationship you have to consider the feelings of the children as well. I would start by trying to get the kids on a more one-to-one basis. Perhaps you could divide the children up by the ages. Take two/three in the morning and have your boyfriend take the others for a couple of hours and go do something they would enjoy. Try and get to know them. Don’t put up with any ‘crap’. Really let them know that you are attempting to get to know them as well. They might rebel, just stick with it. The next step is to meet for lunch as a family. Then switch kids. Again, go and do something this age group of children might like. That can be your Saturday plans. On Sunday make it a family day. Whatever it is you are doing, do it as a team. You aren’t going to win them over in a day, keep it up and remember, each one of them is an individual and you will have to get to know them as such. Treat them with respect and individuality and you will win their hearts. And the one that sticks his tongue out … Just do your best. He might feel threatened. Try not to invade his space much, let him come to you. Also, you can seek advice from his father, he knows him best. Communication is the key. And be thoughtful and unexpected in your actions (bring home ice cream for the whole crew) and show them who you are. Good luck.
Dear Gabby:
I have a friend that I really like. We have been friends through two of my relationships and five years. I find myself romantically intrigued by her but have no idea how to get the spark, because we are friends. How do I let her know that I am attracted and interested in a different light?
-Wistful in Washington
Dear Wistful:
This sounds fun. Get a friend involved and have her/him set you two up on a blind date. Don’t use your name, make one up and have her meet you at a restaurant. Mystery is of the essence; let’s get her all excited, nervous and anxious. We can toy with her emotions enough to get her unsettled. Call the restaurant ahead and make sure they will set the mood for you. It is always nice to have a little gift waiting for her at the table. Maybe write a little note or something for when she gets there and one red rose. Do it up right. This is your chance. Make sure you arrive after she does. When she sees it’s you, she will then understand. You might still have to tell her that you are interested, but this should help you quite a bit. Be sure you have all the bases covered. She will know that this is something special if you go all out. Dress the part, smell good, she already knows part of you well; let’s show her a totally different side.
Dear Gabby:
I’m dating a single parent, but it seems we have little time to ourselves. Her little girl is five and always wants in the middle every time we do something. Even when we are just sitting on the couch, she has to be right in the middle. How can I romance her mother without hurting her feelings? I want to spend some time alone with her mother?
Dear Lost:
I think something that might help is that you romance the daughter as well. She is probably frightened. When you date someone with a child, you must have that person understand they are a package deal. As a mother, it’s unfair to give someone the illusion that they will ever get 100% of our time. We have to take care of the child, early bed times, bathing, etc… It is a rarity to have 10 minutes to ourselves. Here is my suggestion. PREpare for your next date and make two dates at once. Ask her mother if she has a list of babysitters and if you can help her get a sitter for the end of your evening. Let her know that you would like to spend time with both of them the first part of the day or evening and that then you have special plans for just the two of you afterwards. Go to a fast-food restaurant that has a playground. The mother will be delighted to sit with you and talk while the child plays on the playground. Or make a picnic out of it at the park. If you have an animal, take it with… introducing the child to your “child”. And, then for the special part of the evening take her somewhere relaxing. If you give the child something to do, you can sweep the mother’s attention away at least momentarily. Communication is the most important thing for you. Another hint: Bare gifts. Small and inexpensive gifts that are discussed prior with the mother will win both their hearts. The child just needs to know her mother is not being taken away. It will be all out WAR if she thinks she is threatened.
Dear Gabby:
I am a Plain-Jane who is overweight and I want romance in my life. Help me please.
-Dumpy in Dallas
Dear Dumpy:
Looks do have to do with attraction. But being a simple girl is not a bad thing, nor is being overweight. What is important is being okay with you. No one wants to date someone they don’t find attractive, but understand that your look will be found beautiful by someone, maybe not everyone, but someone special. Be good to yourself. There are attractive people that are NOT attractive. You need and have to be okay with you. Possibly treat yourself to something that makes you feel sexy or attractive. How you FEEL is what’s important. If you feel sexy, you will exude a sexy nature. Being romantic is a verb; it is doing something unexpected and thoughtful. It doesn’t take a LOOK; it takes a desire to make someone feel special. Self-esteem is essential. You have to like you. Now you have a chance to transform yourself into who it is that is inside you. Look in that mirror and see that face deep down, not just the one reflecting in the mirror. And, become that woman. I have heard people say, I am a thin woman inside a fat girl. If you are, then lose the weight. If not, like whom you are. When you smile that will be your romantic look. Light up your eyes and smile and you will look the part, and that will spark an affair. Beauty is from within and anyone who doesn’t know that doesn’t know true beauty.
Dear Gabby:
I want to date a girl who has a new baby. She got pregnant accidentally and she kept the baby, but she is a lesbian and 20. I am at a total loss; can you help me out?
Dear ShyOne:
The best part about being a new mother is that you have a new zest for life. However, you have no time and relatively no energy. I believe your best plan would be to invite this new mommy for a night of relaxation. How about cooking dinner for her (or carrying in if you aren’t a chef)? Tell her you are great at shoulder rubs and foot rubs. Give her a night of attention and compassion. Ask her if she wants to get a sitter. I didn’t like employing a sitter when my child was very young, so be sure and ask. If she brings the child to your house, you must plan appropriately. Childproof the house if the baby is mobile and if not, have a very comfortable place for the child to lie. You can ask around, someone who has children to borrow a playpen or something. Let this woman know that you are thinking about the child as well as her. Other than that, make it a night to remember. Good music, a light beverage (my advice to anyone dating someone with a child is that alcohol isn’t a good thing when a child is around. We want to teach our children respect and responsibility. And, losing your senses when you are responsible for a child is utterly ridiculous.) … candles, soft lighting, and good conversation. You can’t go wrong.
For a wonderful and healthy lunch or dinner, Ben's Broccoli Soup is second to none. Have it warm or cold.
1 16 oz package of frozen broccoli cuts
1 8 oz package of frozen broccoli spears
¼ stick of butter
parsley flakes
Place contents of broccoli cuts package into a large saucepan. Add water to pan, ½ inch deep. Place lid over sauce pan and steam broccoli cuts. Once cuts are soft, use a spoon with slits or wholes to place broccoli cuts into a food processor. Leave broth in pan. Use food processor on low for a very short amount of time—just enough to turn cuts into pulp—not liquid. Put pulp back into saucepan. Add 1-2 cups of water and butter. Then season to taste with parsley flakes, salt and pepper. Add broccoli spears and warm.
Especially tasty when accompanied by cornbread or buttered French bread.
Below is a listing of LGBT Community
Events in Manhattan Kansas. If you would like information about events
state-wide, visit The Liberty Press at http://www.libertypress.net.
Check out these Special Summer Events!
Sunday, June 24th: Flint Hills Alliance Golf Day—FOR MEN AND
10:00 am tee off. We will go in groups of 3-4.
Cost is approximately $3.00 per person for the day. Feel free to bring
coolers and snacks. If you have questions, e-mail Angela at angelica115@excite.com
or fhakansas@yahoo,com.
Directions: 12 ˝ miles north from Seth Childs Road and Tuttle Creek Blvd intersection to the University Park turn-off. Take a right and go approximately 1.3 miles to the Hi-View turn-off where the University Park sign is on the left of the road. Take a left and go about 1.1 miles to the Cedar Hills golf course which is on the right side of the road.
Saturday, July 21st: FHA Women's Mini Festival
Beginning around 5:00 pm out at Tuttle Creek's U. Point.
Last year's Mini Fest, was HUGE FUN. Whatever will be in store for our
girls this year? For specific directions and details, e-mail Angela at angelica115@excite.com
or fhakansas@yahoo.com.
Saturday, July 21st: FHA Women help out Habitat for Humanity!!
Manhattan's Women's Habitat for Humanity have invited FHA Women to help out
on the Women's Build on July 21st. Bring your enthusiasm, and a
friend. Training, tools and lunch
will be provided. For specific
directions and details, e-mail Angela at angelica115@excite.com
or fhakansas@yahoo.com.
Friday, July 27th: Flint Hills Alliance Swim Party—FOR MEN
Private Swimming for FHA members and friends only. 9:00 pm - 10:30 pm at
Manhattan's City Pool. Please park at the lot on Poyntz Avenue. For specific
directions and details, e-mail Angela at angelica115@excite.com
or fhakansas@yahoo.com.
Saturday, July 28th: Men's Topeka Leather-Levi Bears BBQ
A fun-filled BBQ for the guys at Larry's in Junction City.
For details and directions, e-mail Larry at ksu_bear@yahoo.com.
Regular Summer Events
Wednesday, June 20th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being
referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a
local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved
dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple
of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not
occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're
interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA
at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela
C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Wednesday, June 20th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please
contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to
confirm meeting date and location.
Wednesday, June 27th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being
referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a
local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved
dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple
of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not
occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're
interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA
at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela
C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Wednesday, June 27th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please
contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to
confirm meeting date and location.
Monday, July 2nd: The Manhattan Project
An after the coming out process discussion group for gay/bi/transgender
men. Meets from 7-8 pm the first and third Monday of each month at the ECM Building , 1021 Denison, in the Lounge. For more
information, please call RAP at 587-1999
during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.
Wednesday, July 11th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being
referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a
local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved
dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple
of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not
occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're
interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA
at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela
C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Wednesday, July 11th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please
contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to
confirm meeting date and location.
Monday, July 16th: The Manhattan Project
An after the coming out process discussion group for gay/bi/transgender
men. Meets from 7-8 pm the first and third Monday of each month at the ECM Building , 1021 Denison, in the Lounge. For more
information, please call RAP at 587-1999
during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.
Wednesday, July 18th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being
referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a
local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved
dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple
of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not
occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're
interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA
at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela
C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Wednesday, July 18th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please
contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to
confirm meeting date and location.
Wednesday, July 25th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being
referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a
local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved
dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple
of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not
occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're
interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA
at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela
C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Wednesday, July 25th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please
contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to
confirm meeting date and location.
Wednesday, August 1st: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being
referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a
local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved
dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple
of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not
occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're
interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA
at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela
C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Wednesday, August 1st: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please
contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to
confirm meeting date and location.
Monday, August 6th: The Manhattan Project
An after the coming out process discussion group for gay/bi/transgender
men. Meets from 7-8 pm the first and third Monday of each month at the ECM Building , 1021 Denison, in the Lounge. For more
information, please call RAP at 587-1999
during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.
Wednesday, August 8th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being
referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a
local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved
dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple
of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not
occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're
interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA
at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela
C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Wednesday, August 8th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please
contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to
confirm meeting date and location.
Wednesday, August 15th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being
referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a
local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved
dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple
of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not
occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're
interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA
at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela
C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Wednesday, August 15th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please
contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to
confirm meeting date and location.
Monday, August 20th: The Manhattan Project
An after the coming out process discussion group for gay/bi/transgender
men. Meets from 7-8 pm the first and third Monday of each month at the ECM Building , 1021 Denison, in the Lounge. For more
information, please call RAP at 587-1999
during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.
Wednesday, August 22nd: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being
referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a
local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved
dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple
of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not
occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're
interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA
at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela
C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Wednesday, August 22nd: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please
contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to
confirm meeting date and location.
Thursday, August 23rd: KSU Student Activities Carnival
K-State Student Union, from
6:00 p.m - midnight, Admission:Free Union Expo featuring the Activities
Carnival will showcase approximately 100 campus organizations, including
KSU's Queer Straight Alliance. There
will be giveaways and free entertainment. If your organization is interested
in participating in the event contact UPC at 532-6571.
Saturday, August 25th: How to Make a Difference at KSU
"K" room in the Student Union,
from 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., Admission: Free. Interactive workshop lead
by Dr. Doris Wright professor of Psychology. Learn how to effectively dialogue
with different races and cultures.
Wednesday, August 29th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being
referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a
local dining establishment. The evening begins around 7pm where many involved
dine on hot wings, then after dinner the group usually travels a couple
of blocks for free Billards at a favorite pool hall. This event does not
occur every Wednesday night, but does occur on most of them. If you're
interested in attending "Wings Night" email FHA
at fhakansas@yahoo.com, or Angela
C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Wednesday, August 29th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's Queer
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please
contact QSA by email at qsa@ksu.edu to
confirm meeting date and location.
Please e-mail us at fha_thetriangle@yahoo.com
with your comments and suggestions.
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