August 21 (SATURDAY) End of Summer
Potluck, Chris Renner's
Say good-bye to summer and let's gear up for fall!
We will be having Homemade Icecream at the potluck!
September 16 Welcome Back!!!!! Becki and
Help us welcome back our student
members for an evening of food, fun and friends.October
21 Halloween Potluck, Victor's
Come as your favorite spook, ghost or
goblin. Prizes will be given out for the best and worst costumes!
November 18 Thanksgiving
Potluck, Ron and Jerry's
Our Turkey Day Potluck is one of
the best potlucks of the year!! Door Prizes will be given to official FHA members. (To
become a member, simply pay dues your $10 per year dues.) We'll have a great time with
good food, good friends, and good prizes. Hope you can make it!!
December 16 Holiday
Potluck / White Elephant, Larry's
Jump in your car and take a short drive to Junction City,
where FHA will be holding our well-attended Annual Winter Holiday Potluck. We'll talk,
we'll laugh, we'll drink lots of eggnog. White Elephant gifts will be exchanged, so be sure to wrap up the tackiest gift in your
home and bring it to give away!! Yahoo!
(White elephant means you bring a gift of
little or no value, wrap it, and exchange it for another value-less gift! It's loads of
laughs! ) |