Fall 1999
Flint Hills Observer
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'99 events in Manhattan!
Mary Jo Murphy, Manhattan
Alliance for Peace and Justice (MAPJ)
Thursday, September 2 8:00 pm (business
meeting is at 7:30 pm)
Joan Mary Jo Murphy from the Manhattan Alliance for Peace and
Justice will join us for an educational presentation on MAPJ's Living Wage Campaign
and Speak United project. Speak United is mostly comprised of low income people
working together on issues concerning public housing, the need for public transportation,
affordable housing, childcare and living wage jobs.
MAPJ Mission Statement: The Manhattan Alliance for Peace and Justice will educate and
organize for peace and justice at home and abroad. For more info on MAPJ: visit their
website at www.flinthills.com/~mapj, send
them an email at mapj@flinthills.com, or call
them at (785) 565-9757.
Leslie Newman, author, on
Teaching Tolerance
Thursday, October 7 8:00 pm, KSU Union Ballroom (FHA will NOT officially meet)
Leslie Newman, author of over 20 books, wrote Heather has Two
Mommies to teach elementary school children that there are all types of families and
that "the most important thing about a family is that all the people in it love each
other." Ms. Newman never thought that this simple children's book would become the
second most banned book in the country. Activist, poet, and author, Newman addresses
homophobia, censorship, and family values with knowledge and wit. Please join us in the
KSU Union Ballroom for her presentation. Sponsored by KSU Union Programming Council. (FHA
will not meet so members can attend Ms. Newman's presentation)
FHA Coffee, Cookies, &
Thursday, November 4 8:00 pm (business
meeting is at 7:30 pm)
Bring your favorite short story, poem, short monologue, song,
instrumental, painting, picture, photograph or sculpture to the Flint Hills Alliance
Coffee, Cookies & Art Night. Art work can be originial or artwork you especially
admire. If your performance, reading or visual art presentation will exceed 10 minutes,
please let us know ahead of time by calling at (785) 776-3612 or via email at fha.kansas@usa.net. Cookies and Coffee will be
provided along with other refreshments.
Regional AIDS Project
Thursday, December 2 8:00 pm (business
meeting is at 7:30 pm)
Do you ever wonder if the experience of living with HIV/AIDS has
changed much since the 1980's? Here's you chance to find out! A speaker from the Regional
AIDS Project will join us to share their stories. For more information on the Regional
AIDS Project, you may visit the website at www.rap.kan.net
or email them at rap@flinthills.com. (Also, will be selected
during this Business Meeting for FHA's Fall Raffle Fundraiser!)