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April 2001 Issue
Table of Contents:
Hi Everyone,
We've had a cold, cold, cold, cold winter!! Oh My!! I am ready to thaw out. How about you? Well, we have some wonderful FHA events planned for this Spring. Later this month, Randy and Jeff are hosting a Yummy All American potluck on April 20th at 7pm. Please join us for lots of good food, great conversation and many laughs!! At the last potluck, back in February, we ended up laughing so hard, our sides hurt the next two days.
Coffee Talk for Women has continued to a wonderful way for women to come together to share their new and old adventures, while making new friends along the way. A spontaneous social has grown from Coffee Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local dining establishment that unfortunately does not offer vegetarian alternatives. The evening begins around 7pm, then after dinner, we usually travel a couple of blocks for free Billards at our favorite pool hall.
And coming up on May 19th is the much loved Annual FHA Picnic out at Pfeil Creek Picnic Area which is located within the Tuttle Creek River Pond Reservoir. FREE FOOD AND DRINKS!!! Come eat, drink, bask in the sunlight and play various sports till you drop!! Alcohol will be served only to those who are 21 and older, so bring your ID.
An Officer's Meeting was held on March 1st to elect the new FHA Officers, and as no one ran for office, Brenda, Larry and I have decided to do what we can to continue FHA. At the end of July, Brenda will be leaving us to move to Wichita. Anyone interested in being Secretary, please talk to me or email me. Also, anyone interested in helping out with FHA in any way...with suggestions, helping set up before/after events, making donations, starting up fund-raisers, planning socials, or writing articles for The Triangle, please don't be afraid to get involved. We are open to everyone and welcome you. It takes all of us to make a community.
If you would like information about Flint Hills Alliance, feel free to email us at the FHA email (fha.kansas@usa.net) or you can email me at my personal email account (angelica115@excite.com).
Angela C.
Commission and School Board Elections Tues April 3
by Jen Bame (jensfog@hotmail.com)
April 3 will be the general election for the City Commission and the School Board. Candidates in the City Commission are incumbents Karen McCulloh, and Roger Reitz, along with Brad Everett, David L. Johnson and Mark Taussig. The two candidates with the highest number of votes will receive four year terms, while the third place winner will receive a two year term on the commission.
Although Carol Peak will be on the ballet, she has officially withdrawn from the race. For more information on this Peaks withdrawal read the full story as written by the Manhattan Mercury at http://www.themercury.com/stories/03/25/peak.out.shtml
School Board Elections will be held for three open positions. The candidates are Incumbent Flordie Pettis, Milo Kelley, Walt Pesaresi, Jim Shroyer, J. Scott Smith and Dorothy Soldan.
Upcoming Forum and Debates:
School Board Candidates
Wednesday March 28 4pm at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School, 213 N Juliette
Sponsor: National Education Association
and Manhattan-Ogden School District.
City Commission and School Board candidates.
Thursday, March 29, 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Manhattan Arts Center, 1520
Sponsor: Manhattan Area Chamber
of Commerce.
Forum: Each candidate will have a booth at which anyone can ask them
questions. There won’t be a formal question-and-answer session for the candidates.
Although, I have been unable to find a good online voter's guide for these two elections. I have included links below to articles written in the Manhattan Mercury that may help voters.
Some articles on the City Commission race as printed by the Manhattan
Mercury are:
stances divide city candidates
LOB: Not on their watch
taxes: As needed or too high?
Some articles on the School Board race as printed by the Manhattan Mercury
school spending
School closing needed
cuts on an early menu
issues: Salaries, LOB and the budget
sees ‘options’ for cuts
See YOU at the Polls!
The conference will focus on the representation and rights of clients who
are marginalized because of age, race, sexual orientation or differently abled. One goal is to raise the awareness of attorneys and lawmakers around the issues faced by this clientele and how to provide them the best legal
representation. The other goal is to provide an opportunity to interact with those who are familiar with the legal challenges facing marginalized
at Washburn Law School in Topeka Sat March 31
The Washburn Law School Gay and Lesbian Student Network is sponsoring a conference titled
" Representing the Invisible," Saturday, March 31, 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
The day- long conference will bring together presenters from many areas of the law, and from as far away as the Netherlands. Topics will include civil
unions, adoption, elder law, client representation, estate planning for same-gender relationships, sodomy laws in Kansas, and representing the disabled.
Registration is available on the law school's web site at
I got Involved with HIV/AIDS
by Dana Wilcoxen (kssunflower@lycos.com)
When family, friends and acquaintances find out that I am doing my internship at RAP, the response is often “Oh that is an interesting choice.” I further surprised and baffle them when I tell them I am helping with a teen hotline that is for youth questioning their sexuality. The next question I often get is what made you chose that place as your internship site. My response to that question often leaves people not quite sure what to think of me and whether or not they should respond to any thing I have told them. I usually leave them in shock, because I have been so honest and up front. I would like to share with you what my response to the above question, and what brought me to make the decision that I needed to do my internship at Regional AIDS Project.
I am a heterosexual white female who was born and raised here in Kansas. I come from a middle class white family. I haven’t had to worry about much in my life. I have very supportive parents who help me out whenever I need it and have provided for my emotional and physical needs quite well. Throughout, my childhood and into my teen years I didn’t really have to think about much that was outside my immediate family and social circle. I lived this very safe life that wasn’t being challenged on a regular bases. I pretty much accepted what my family believed on any issue that would come up and I believed and trusted my parents knew what was right, as do most children and youth. It is not until their values and opinions are challenged and then they start to form their own ideas and values.
My life changed three years ago when I moved here to Manhattan to finish my education. I made a decision that would change my life forever. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I know say what you will, I have heard it all. Yes, I am a Christian. At this time three years ago I pretty much believed what most mid-western Christians believe. I was very judgmental and narrow minded. But a year ago I made the decision to do a mission program out in Oakland, Ca. Talk about a whole new world. There was this mid- western Christian girl from Kansas being dropped into the middle of an inner-city neighborhood and told to survive and make relationships with people. Let me tell you at first I was terrified. I thought what on earth have I gotten myself into. But the experience changed my life and made me question the values and opinions of my family and friends.
Out in Oakland I was one of five white people in my neighborhood. The other four where my roommates. For the first time in my life I was the minority. The majority of people I came in contact with were African-American and Hispanic. I began to realize that I had some preconceived ideas and prejudices agents these minority groups. For the next year I spent time getting to know these people and learning their culture and appreciating and loving them as Christ would love them. Towards the end of my stay in Oakland I began to think about returning to Kansas and Manhattan. I knew that I would be doing my internship. I had lots of ideas about where I wanted to do my internship before I left for Oakland. But none of those places appealed to me anymore.
I began to think about what experience I had so far. I knew that I had lots of experience working with children and I loved working with children. But I wanted to broaden that experience. I began to look at my major and what it offered and what I had learned. I began to realize that I had not had any education on HIV/AIDS or homosexuality. Other than one Sex Ed class that touched on it briefly. I found this to be very disturbing. I decided that I would look into doing my internship at Regional AIDS Project when I got back to school. When I got back to Manhattan I got in contact with RAP and found out I could help with the Questioning Youth Hotline. I went for training and while at training I found out that youth were getting harassed and beaten up and killed for their sexual identity. Youth were committing suicide, because they felt like they didn’t have anyone to turn to. This greatly disturbed me. I knew that I needed to get involved.
Since I have been here at RAP, it has become a very personal issue for me to be an advocate for youth questioning their sexuality and for people with HIV/AIDS. I have come to realize that the Christian community here in Manhattan isn’t opening up their doors to help people with HIV/AIDS or youth who might be questioning their sexuality. Being a Christian myself, I find this very disturbing. Jesus calls us to love one another as I have loved you... John 15:12. To me that means as a Christian I should be living my life just as Christ would have lived his. I know that if Jesus were standing here today, he would love people with HIV/AIDS and youth questioning their sexuality as well as opening up his heart to them.
That is what I tell people when they ask me about why I have chosen to do my internship at RAP. As you can see I am pretty open and honest about how I feel. I feel very strongly that the Lord is using me to brake down some of the myths and stereotypes that the Christian community has on HIV/AIDS. I think that the church doesn’t have a choice on whether it is going to open it’s doors to help people with HIV/AIDS and our youth. With HIV/AIDS being an epidemic it is the churches duty to help. The whole point of professing to be a Christian is to be loving and caring and to help those in need. The thing to ask the Christian community is “If you are professing to be a Christian and say you are living your life for Christ, then what does it say about the Christian community if you aren’t willing to open your doors and hearts and help people with HIV/AIDS and youth who are questioning their sexuality.” I feel very passionate about bring up these tough questions to the church community and advocating to get churches more involved in the fight of HIV/AIDS and helping our youth. Thank you for taking the time to read what I have to say.
to Home: Arkansas Court Strikes Down Sodomy Law
by Jen Bame (jensfog@hotmail.com)
Judge David Bogard, a circuit judge in Pulaski County Arkansas, ruled against he state's 1977 sodomy law—a law criminalizing consensual, noncommercial sexual activities between same sexed individuals, while not banning similar activities between opposite sexed persons. Judge David Bogard disagreed with this law stating, "The people of Arkansas have the right to legislate on issues involving morals, but homosexuality is not only a question of morals." Bogard continued to stay that a way of life "that is odd or even erratic" cannot be criminalized just because it is different. Ruth Harlow, legal director of the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, said "The law hangs over their heads and treats them like second-class citizens. It says it's illegal when you do it but not when your neighbor does, as long as they are heterosexual." The Arkansas attorney general's office has not made a decision in regarding an appeal.
Gabrielle St Charles is a local Salina woman with a national following for her lesbian romance writing. To contact her, write via email to RomanceWriter4u@aol.com or via postal mail at C/O Bella Books, PO Box 201007, Ferndale, MI 48220. Also, please visit her website the Dear Gabby website for more wonderful romance advice.
Dear Gabby:
Valentine’s Day was a complete disaster. The roads iced over and we had to cancel our plans. My date has had to work every weekend since and we haven’t been able to spend any time together. Is there something I can do? She works in management, so she doesn’t get lunch hours, unless they are on the premises and she has children that are young and have specific bedtimes. I even thought about trying to sneak over after they go to bed, but I called to make sure it was okay and she was asleep. What can I do?
Dear AWE:
You poor thing. First things first. It sounds like you need to romance the entire family in order to get your girl alone. How about this … Why not ask her if you can take her stress away for a night by planning dinner, hiring in help with the children and romancing her. To do so, bring in a sitter who is capable of really taking care of the children: bathing, reading a story or two (or ten), keeping control of the situation and more. I would plan dinner, something light, and a great dessert (my strawberry orgasms were a huge hit with my date: fresh strawberries that you dip the bottom in sour cream and then in brown sugar.) YUMMY! Plan to give her a shoulder and foot massage, if she works in management she probably holds her stress in those two areas. Set the mood and entertain her with soft, gentle presence and a deep sensuality. Single moms have a hard time relaxing. Pamper her, pamper her … Pamper her!
Dear Gabby:
I hate my life. I hate my job options. I’m sick (not terminal, life- I have to deal with it forever) and I hate the fact that I’m dirt poor. I read your column and love all your ideas. I have a notebook that I keep the ones I really want to use, but because of my illness (agoraphobia) I can’t even find someone who will really date me. Women are interested, because I’m cute. But, they never really make the grade. Either I’m a burden on them, they get bored by my not being able to go “play” with them or they really haven’t the compassion to honestly understand that this is something that will be a part of my life for as long as I live. I’ve lost my hope. I thought this illness would go away and I’ve now had it for ten years. People think I’m faking, they think I’m lazy, they think I don’t want to work, I’ve been called names, made fun of and all together ridiculed. I’m housebound right now and have been for almost seven months. Gabby, why are people so cruel? I thought discrimination being gay/lesbian was bad, but the discrimination I have faced being poor and sick is beyond comparison. They don’t hate me; they ignore me; I am a second class citizen with rights but I can’t find them. I just want someone to love me.
–Without Hope
Dear Sweet Lady:
From the bottom of my heart, I understand. Exorcising your rights is paramount. The American’s With Disabilities Act can help you. They have guidelines that can instigate getting the help that you need. I know that the discrimination you face is horrific. It’s hard to keep your chin up. I am going to give you the number to my home office and you can call it; leave a message and I will get back to you and anyone else that has similar problems as soon as I can (866-332-7422). Don’t let therapists tell you they can’t come to you, because they can, you just have to find one who knows what they are dealing with. There is help out there, it’s just harder than I like to think possible to get it. Fighting for your rights is the key and not losing yourself while you wait. Depending on how destitute you have become, there is a reality: You have to give this time for recovery. It won’t go away overnight and you MUST have support. If you don’t have support now, then that is where I can help you. There is a national support group online (www.support4panic.com). There are other groups; I just like this one. I understand the depression; the lack of motivation, the being called names and the being housebound. My prayers are with you and anything I can do, I will. God Bless you and I hope that you know there is hope. I will lend you any extra hope I have.
Dear Gabby:
I hope you had a nice day today. I talked to my love last night. We talked for 2 hours. We actually laughed together; it's been a hard adjustment for both of us, since breaking up. But we realized that even though there is a certain part of each other we can't have, we are still going to try to maintain and work on our friendship. Is that possible, to be friends after a relationship? I feel good about it. We want to stay a part of each other’s lives. I need your advice, is it all possible?
Dear Syl:
It is possible, but it takes two willing parties. Keep working on the part that consisted of the friendship and the love that you have will continue. Real love doesn’t just go away.
Gabrielle’s Kissing Tip for the Month: Practice, practice, practice … Let your mind go blank and think of nothing. Start out slow with slightly parted lips. Who wants zipped lips? DO NOT start with your mouth wide open and your tongue hanging out. Just the thought makes one feel a little uncomfortable. Your hands aren’t for supporting yourself while kissing, they are for sensual encouragement, use them! Kissing for just the sake of kissing is the very essence of romance. Kissing is not always a prelude to sex. Enjoy the long, delightful, drugging of a kiss. When you leave a kiss and your legs are weak, then you know you have just been KISSED.
Alix Dobkin is coming to Manhattan, April 27-28th, 2001. Click
here for details . . .
A New Gay Male Show: Some of My Best Friends
Jason Bateman from Little House on the Prairie, Silver Spoons, and The Hogan Family, is playing Warren Fairbanks a gay writer living in Greenwich Village seeking a roommate in Some of My Best Friends, a CBS sitcom based on the film Kiss Me Guido. The show begins March 28th and airs Wednesdays at 8pm ET. Alec Mapa, from M. Butterfly, play's Vern, the outrageously adorable and zany "out" neighbor of Warren (Jason Bateman).
Ani DiFranco in KCMO April 20th
Ani DiFranco will be giving a concert in Kansas City MO April 20, 2001 at 8pm. She'll be at the Uptown Theater. House of Blues is bringing her in. For ticket info call 816-931-3330.
Ani has been nominated for a GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) Media Award for Outstanding Music. You can learn more about Ani Difranco at: http://www.flemtam.com/ad.html or http://www.anidifranco.net/
Win tickets, thanks to the Liberty Press: http://www.libertypress.net/contest/index.html
"If you've never heard her music before, just go. She's awesome. I went to her concert a few years back, never having heard her music before, and I found another wonderful female artist that can sing my soul" says 10 year local, Jen Bame (jensfog@hotmail.com).
Jack Deamer, an interior designer from Los Angelos, is suing "Will & Grace" creators and executive producers, Max Mutchnick and David Kohan, and NBC. Mr. Deamer alleges they have violated an agreement to compensate him for the use of his image on the show, as well as, the time he spent as a consultant.
On CBS this Fall, Ellen DeGeneres plays a openly gay woman who moves back to her hometown with her sister and mother. Ellen's adoring mom will be played by Cloris Leachman from High Anxiety. Her way way-too-laid-back sister will be played by Emily Rutherfurd from Work With Me. Keep your eyes out for it!
Wedding Network hits the World Wide Web
from Cindy and Marianne (artisticventures@prodigy.net)
Have you heard of the new website, www.RainbowWeddingNetwork.com?
It is the first and only online wedding gift registry for the gay/lesbian/bi/trans community! The site also includes a directory of gay-friendly professionals in all major cities nationwide. We are so excited that this new resource is available finally! More than a great website, Rainbow Wedding Network.com will also be a tool to help win the right to marry the person we choose: we are committed to using the success of this site to promote our freedom to marry. That is why we need your help to spread the word to the community.
This is a community-website! Together we can build the resources on the site and create an easy, fun place for promoting each other, our businesses and the legitimacy of our love together! But we need your help to spread the word (and we're willing to pay you for it!). At present, Rainbow Wedding Network is a two-woman operation. We are small but we are determined to grow the resources on the site and to provide all our services free to couples everywhere.
So, what can you do???
1) We need gay-friendly professionals to sign on in our Service Directory. -Caterers, florists, photographers, event planners, B&B's, bands, and even lawyers, realtors and healthcare professionals for after the ceremony is over. This is a comprehensive and unique directory, easy for glbt couples to use as they are planning their ceremony and their new home life together. (There are 50 categories on the site: please check us out and see if there's one for you!)
We keep the rates for listing as low as we can, just 21 cents per day. That's $6.25 per month for your own page on our site, including a hyper-link to your own business' website, and a percentage of your payment will be pooled with all others to help in promoting the freedom to marry. And for signing on, we offer a referral fee of $5-$10. So, refer yourself or a friend! (Email us before you sign on, to insure your referral fee!)
2) Tell others in the community about www.RainbowWeddingNetwork.com! Email your glbt friends, especially couples, so that they can use our resources immediately. Add a link to us on your website. Tell your local gay-friendly businesses and newspapers about this exciting new service!
3) We want to hear from you! Contact us with any feedback or ideas
at (404) 779-7658 or by email at
Cindy and Marianne.
Saturday, March 31st: Conference at Washburn Law School in Topeka
The Washburn Law School Gay and Lesbian Student Network is sponsoring a conference titled
"Representing the Invisible," 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
The conference will focus on the representation and rights of clients who
are marginalized because of age, race, sexual orientation or differently abled. One goal is to raise the awareness of attorneys and lawmakers around the issues faced by this clientele and how to provide them the best legal
representation. The other goal is to provide an opportunity to interact with those who are familiar with the legal challenges facing marginalized
The day-long conference will bring together presenters from many areas of the law, and from as far away as the Netherlands. Topics will include civil
unions, adoption, elder law, client representation, estate planning for same-gender relationships, sodomy laws in Kansas, and representing the disabled.
Registration is available on the law school's web site at washburnlaw.edu
(click on Continuing Legal Education), or contact Career Services at
1-888-Washburn, Extension 1184. Registration is also available at the law school the day of the conference. Registration is $15.00 for those who have
an interest and want to participate. If you want CLE, the cost is $100.00 for 8 hours credit. Lunch is included.
Sunday, April 1st: KSU Queer Straight Alliance Business Meeting
6 p.m. On the Agenda: Officer Nominations. For more information email
at: qsa@ksu.edu.
Monday, April 2nd: The Manhattan Project
An after the coming out process discussion group for gay/bi/transgender
men. Meets from 7-8 pm the first and third Monday of each month at the
ECM Building , 1021 Denison, in the Lounge. For more information, please
call RAP at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.
Wednesday, April 4th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance 's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's
Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally
does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email
at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date
and location.
Wednesday, April 4th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee
Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian
community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local
dining establishment (that unfortunately does not offer vegetarian alternatives).
The evening begins around 7pm where all involved dine on hot wings, then
after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards
at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night,
but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings
Night" email FHA at fha.kansas@usa.net,
or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Thursday and Friday, April 5th and 6th: 2001 HIV Update Conference.
Not sponsored by a LGBT organization. Contact Heidi Mcbride
for more information, or contact the Division Of Continuing Education Conference
Registration Office at (785) 532-5569.
Friday, April 6th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance Movie Night
7-9pm. ECM Building. ECM Building 7-9 p.m. 1021 Denison Ave. (Across
from Durland/Rathbone Hall). Title – TBA. For more information email QSA
at: qsa@ksu.edu.
Tuesday, April 10th: "Religiously Incorrect"
A Talk show modeled after Politically Incorrect. Not sponsored
by a LGBT organization. 9 p.m., Tuesday, April 10, Union Big 12
Room. Hosted by Charlie Clack with guests John Tveite, Tom Clarke,
David Jones and John Schwartz. Sponsored by Individuals for Freethought.
Wednesday, April 11th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance 's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's
Queer Straight Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally
does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email
at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date
and location.
Wednesday, April 11th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee
Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian
community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local
dining establishment (that unfortunately does not offer vegetarian alternatives).
The evening begins around 7pm where all involved dine on hot wings, then
after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards
at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night,
but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings
Night" email FHA at fha.kansas@usa.net,
or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Wednesday, April 11th: HIV+ Support Group.
This is an exceptional opportunity for persons with HIV to talk and
share their experiences. You can voice your concerns and talk with others about what's going on in your life. The group is open
to anyone who is HIV+. For more information, please call Regional
AIDS Project at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.
Meets the second Wednesday of each month.
Friday, April 13th: Flint Hills Alliance's Coffee Talk for Women
Coffee Talk for Women meets on the 2nd & 4th Fridays of each month
from 8-9 pm at a local coffee house. For more information, email the Flint
Hills Alliance at: fha.kansas@usa.net.
Sunday, April 15th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance Business Meeting
6 p.m. Officer Elections. For more information email QSA at: qsa@ksu.edu.
Monday, April 16th: The Manhattan Project
An after the coming out process discussion group for gay/bi/transgender
men. Meets from 7-8 pm the first and third Monday of each month at the
ECM Building , 1021 Denison, in the Lounge. For more information, please
call RAP at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.
Wednesday, April 18th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's
Queer Straight
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally
does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email
at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date
and location.
Wednesday, April 18th: "International Development and the Importance
of Gender"
A Dorothy L. Thompson Civil
Rights Lecture given by Susan Okin at 7 p.m. Location to be announced.
Wednesday April 18th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee
Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian
community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local
dining establishment (that unfortunately does not offer vegetarian alternatives).
The evening begins around 7pm where all involved dine on hot wings, then
after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards
at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night,
but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings
Night" email FHA at fha.kansas@usa.net,
or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Friday, April 20th: Flint Hills Alliance Potluck
Come on over to Randy and Jeff's at 7pm for a fun and tasty potluck.
For more information, email FHA at: fha.kansas@usa.net.
Wednesday, April 25th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance 's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's
Queer Straight
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally
does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email
at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date
and location.
Wednesday, April 25th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee
Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian
community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local
dining establishment (that unfortunately does not offer vegetarian alternatives).
The evening begins around 7pm where all involved dine on hot wings, then
after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards
at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night,
but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings
Night" email FHA at fha.kansas@usa.net,
or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Friday, April 27th: Flint Hills Alliance's Coffee Talk for Women
Coffee Talk for Women meets on the 2nd & 4th Fridays of each month
from 8-9 pm at a local coffee house. For more information, email the Flint
Hills Alliance at: fha.kansas@usa.net.
Wednesday, May 2nd: KSU Queer Straight Alliance 's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's
Queer Straight
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally
does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email
at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date
and location.
Wednesday, May 2nd: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee
Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian
community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local
dining establishment (that unfortunately does not offer vegetarian alternatives).
The evening begins around 7pm where all involved dine on hot wings, then
after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards
at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night,
but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings
Night" email FHA at fha.kansas@usa.net,
or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Sunday, May 6th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance Business Meeting
6 p.m. For more information email QSA at: qsa@ksu.edu.
Monday, May 7th: The Manhattan Project
An after the coming out process discussion group for gay/bi/transgender
men. Meets from 7-8 pm the first and third Monday of each month at the
ECM Building , 1021 Denison, in the Lounge. For more information, please
call RAP at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.
Wednesday, May 9th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance 's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's
Queer Straight
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally
does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email
at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date
and location.
Wednesday, May 9th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee
Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian
community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local
dining establishment (that unfortunately does not offer vegetarian alternatives).
The evening begins around 7pm where all involved dine on hot wings, then
after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards
at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night,
but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings
Night" email FHA at fha.kansas@usa.net,
or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Wednesday, May 9th: HIV+ Support Group.
This is an exceptional opportunity for persons with HIV to talk and
share their experiences. You can voice your concerns and talk with others about what's going on in your life. The group is open
to anyone who is HIV+. For more information, please call Regional
AIDS Project at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.
Meets the second Wednesday of each month.
Friday, May 11th: Flint Hills Alliance's Coffee Talk for Women
Coffee Talk for Women meets on the 2nd & 4th Fridays of each month
from 8-9 pm at a local coffee house. For more information, email the Flint
Hills Alliance at: fha.kansas@usa.net.
Wednesday, May 16th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's
Queer Straight
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally
does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email
qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date
and location.
Wednesday, May 16th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee
Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian
community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local
dining establishment (that unfortunately does not offer vegetarian alternatives).
The evening begins around 7pm where all involved dine on hot wings, then
after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards
at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night,
but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings
Night" email FHA at fha.kansas@usa.net,
or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Saturday, May 19th: Annual FHA Picnic
Starts at 1pm. Location: Pfeil
Creek Picnic Area (PFL) in the Tuttle
Creek Pond Area. FREE FOOD AND DRINK!!! Must be 21 to consume alcohol,
so bring your ID. Please email angelica115@excite.com
if you are planning to attend, as FHA
will need to know the amount of munchies to purchase. See you there!!!
Monday, May 21st: The Manhattan Project
An after the coming out process discussion group for gay/bi/transgender
men. Meets from 7-8 pm the first and third Monday of each month at the
ECM Building , 1021 Denison, in the Lounge. For more information, please
call RAP at 587-1999 during business hours or email at rap@flinthills.com.
Wednesday, May 23rd: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's
Queer Straight
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally
does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email
at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date
and location.
Wednesday, May 23rd: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee
Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian
community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local
dining establishment (that unfortunately does not offer vegetarian alternatives).
The evening begins around 7pm where all involved dine on hot wings, then
after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards
at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night,
but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings
Night" email FHA at fha.kansas@usa.net,
or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Friday, May 25th: Flint Hills Alliance's Coffee Talk for Women
Coffee Talk for Women meets on the 2nd & 4th Fridays of each month
from 8-9 pm at a local coffee house. For more information, email the Flint
Hills Alliance at: fha.kansas@usa.net.
Wednesday, May 30th: KSU Queer Straight Alliance's Icebreakers
Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. Facilitated by volunteers, Icebreakers
is a support group sponsored by KSU's
Queer Straight
Alliance dedicated to providing
individuals with a confidential and safe environment where they can explore
issues concerning sexual orientation. Everything that is discussed does not leave
the meeting and everyone is respected. Please note: Icebreakers occasionally
does not meet over school breaks and holidays. Please contact QSA by email
at qsa@ksu.edu to confirm meeting date
and location.
Wednesday, May 30th: Flint Hills Alliance "Wings Night"
A spontaneous tradition has grown from Coffee
Talk. It is now being referred to as "Wings Night" among the lesbian
community. "Wings Night" involves a Wednesday night gathering at a local
dining establishment (that unfortunately does not offer vegetarian alternatives).
The evening begins around 7pm where all involved dine on hot wings, then
after dinner the group usually travels a couple of blocks for free Billards
at a favorite pool hall. This event does not occur every Wednesday night,
but does occur on most of them. If you're interested in attending "Wings
Night" email FHA at fha.kansas@usa.net,
or Angela C. the president at angelica115@excite.com.
Please email us at fha.thetriangle@usa.net
with your comments and suggestions.
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