FHA KONZA Walk At Sunset
Saturday, September 18
Time TBA. Join us for a cool Konza Prairie walk while watching the
beautiful Kansas sunset. Afterward, we'll warm up with coffee at JAVA Espresso &
FHA's Helping Hands
Saturday, September 25
2 pm for voluneer work, 5:30 pm
dinner and relaxation. Here's your chance to help out others with all your favorite
friends from FHA! Meet us at the HOME Program and then we'll travel to the work-site.
Volunteers will put in about 2 hours of work and are invited to Jen & Carol's for
supper and relaxation at 5:30pm. If you are unable to volunteer with the HOME Program,
please join us for dinner at 5:30 pm. Hope to see you there!
The Home Owner's Maintenance and
Energy (HOME) Program is a non-profit program established to help Manhattan's elderly and
disabled homeowners stay in their homes by helping them with basic and
routine maintenance. If you would like more information about additional volunteer
opportunities with the HOME Program, call (785) 537-7227.
Monday - Friday, October 11 - 15
Join FHA and QSA for a Coming Out Week
Celebration!! It will be fun, educational, and a great way to meet new friends. All Coming
Out Week events start at 7 pm in the KSU Student Union, Rooms TBA . For more information,
visit QSA's website: Sponsored by
KSU's Queer Straight Alliance and the Flint Hills Alliance.
Monday, Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual Panel. We'll start the week off with a GLB panel. This a great opportunity to
hear some of your favorite friends' coming out stories.
Tuesday, Trangendered
Panel. Are unsure about what "transgendered" means? Are you unsure of how to
refer to transgendered folks? Here's a chance to learn about our transgendered brothers
and sisters.
Wednesday, Religion:
Reconciled in Christ. Pastor Jayne will join us to talk about how Lutheran Campus
Ministries has become Reconciled in Christ and, as a result, accepting of their glbt
Thursday, Straight
Ally Panel. Here's the opportunity to find out what it is like to be a Straight Ally of
GLBT community. Come, ask questions, meet new people.
Friday, FHA / QSA
Social. Join us for fun, many laughs and dancing at the Coming Out Week Social. Location
and Time TBA.
Other Queer Events around Manhattan
Gaea Goddess Gathering
Friday - Monday, September 10 -13
The third annual Gaea Goddess Gathering is packed with fun and exciting new events,
including a sweat lodge and Friday night Bardic circle. Camp Gaea offers swimming in the
womb of Onessa Lake, plenty of camping areas, and hiking within the remote 168 acres of
rural Kansas. Vegetarian meals will be served at the Dining Hall or you may bring your own
food and food cooking materials. Call (913) 648-5849 or visit for details. Sponsored by Earth
Rising, Inc. & the Gaea Retreat Center. The Gaea Goddess Gathering is a Women's only
gathering. Camp Gaea also has men's festivals; check out the website for details.
The Color Purple (MOVIE)
Friday and Saturday, September 24 and 25, 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm, KSU Student Union
Little Theater
An intimate story of suffering, endurance and triumph set in the early 20th century rural
South, this is a distinctive and deeply moving film revolving around one black family and
their particular struggles. Whoopi Goldberg makes her screen debut as Celie Johnson, a
browbeaten, much abused, nearly illiterate farm girl who, over the course of 40 years,
grows into a woman of self-assurance and wit, a woman with her own dreams and identity.
Also stars Danny Gover and Oprah Winfrey in a very memorable performance. Rated PG-13.
Sponsored by KSU's Union Programming Council. $1.75 admission. 155 minutes
Friday and Saturday, October 1 and 2, 7:00 pm and 9:30 pm, KSU Student Union
Forum Hall
Drawn from Martin Shermani's award-winning and groundbreaking stage play, the first to
bring historical Nazi persectution of homosexuals into the spotlight, this film is an
unconventional war-time love story. Max, a suave playboy, arrested when Hitler enforces a
law making homosexuality illegal, is sent to Dachau. There he meets Horst, another
prisoner, and they fall in love. In the harsh conditions of the work yard at Dachau, Horst
teaches Max about the survival of the heart. Though the two men cannot touch, they find a
way to make love. Despite the agony, despite the scrutiny, Max learns through his powerful
bond with Horst that survival, like intimacy, has less to do with the flesh than with
personal truth and fundamental human dignity.
Co-stars Ian McKellan and Mick Jagger. Rated NC-17. Sponsored by KSU Union Programming
Council. $1.75 admission. 108 minutes
D. Mortz, "Building Communities"
Sunday and Monday, October 3 and 4
5:30pm Sunday, 12:30pm Monday
D. Mortz, founder of Gay Lesbian Straight Educational Network-Omaha, Guidance Counselor
for Omaha Public School System, and member of the Regional Planning Committee 2000, will
give a presentation on Building Communities. Sponsored by Racial Ethnic Harmony Week.
Sunday evening, D. Mortz will stop in on the QSA meeting
(5:30 pm) in the KSU Student Union (Room TBA). Following the meeting, all are welcome to
join her for dinner at a local dining establishment.
Monday 12:30 pm in the Big 12 Room at the KSU Student Union
Leslie Newman, "Teaching Tolerance"
Thursday, October 7 8:00 pm, KSU Student Union Ballroom
Leslie Newman, author of over 20 books, wrote Heather has
Two Mommies to teach elementary school children that there are all types of families
and that "the most important thing about a family is that all the people in it love
each other." Ms. Newman never thought that this simple children's book would become
the second most banned book in the country. Activist, poet, and author, Newman addresses
homophobia, censorship, and family values with knowledge and wit. Sponsored by KSU Union
Programming Council.
Gods and Monsters (MOVIE)
Friday and Saturday, October 8 and 9, 7:00 pm and 9:30 pm, KSU Student Union
Forum Hall
Set in 1957, this Oscar-winning film dramatizes the later life of James Whale, the
director of Frankenstein, The Invisible Man, and Show Boat.
Haunted and lonely, he recounts many of his experiences to his handsome gardener, Clay.
Stars Ian McKellan, Brendon Fraser, and Lynn Redgrave. Rated R. Sponsored by KSU Union
Programming Council. Admission $1.75. 105 minutes.